Politicians around the world face a problem when it comes to the overseas rich. They want the spending, taxes and investment that comes with the foreign wealthy. But politicians don't want to appear to voters as favoring the foreign have-mores over the local middle class.
These tensions have played out in the U.K., Switzerland, and even Monaco. Now, they're bursting out into the open in Singapore.
According to news reports, Singapore is ending a program that allowed wealthy foreigners to 'fast track' their permanent residency if they kept at least S$10 million in assets in the country for five years. The moves are aimed at slowing the rapid surge in property prices, which have been driven in part by wealthy investors and which have rankled Singaporeans.
A bungalow in Singapore's Sentosa Cove recently sold for a whopping $39 million.
新加坡升涛湾(Sentosa Cove)一幢单层别墅近期售价高达3,900万美元。
Singapore still allows wealthy people to get permanent residency. But rather than simply keeping money in the country, they have to invest S$2.5 million in a new company or business. And these rules may also tighten soon.
Foreigners and permanent residents now make up a third of the population. And Singapore now leads the world in 'millionaire density': 15.5% of all its households are millionaire-households.
The question is whether the government's actions will work. With so many wealthy Chinese, Indonesians, Russians, Middle Easterners and Europeans looking to offshore their money into safe, stable havens, the rich may continue pouring money into the Singapore regardless.
Do you think countries should offer special visas and residencies for the rich?
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