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发布时间:2019-08-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. Follow the Time Rule 遵循时间原则

I've seen this defined as something as small as the "one hour rule" and as big as the "30 day rule," but the idea is the same — when you see something that you want, make yourself wait a certain amount of time before purchasing it. The longer you can go, the better. If you still strongly want to make the purchase at the end of the time period, only consider doing so then. 我认为这个原则就是指等待的时间长短,说短一点,就是“一小时原则”,说长一点,就是“三十天原则”,但精髓还是一样的——当你看到你想买的东西后,等待一段时间,越久越好。如果你到时候还想买的话,就去买好了。

2. Don't Shop When Upset 别在焦虑时购物

It's easy to look for a product (whether it's food, clothing, or something else) to cheer you up when you're unhappy. One of my worst impulse purchases ever happened at a liquor store — and in an effort to cheer myself up, I purchased three kinds of liqueurs I had been wanting to add to my bar. 当你不开心的时候,靠买东西来使自己开心起来是件很容易的事情(无论食物、衣服还是别的东西)。我最愚蠢的一次冲动消费发生在一家卖酒的店里——为了让自己重新高兴起来,我买了我一直以来很想买的三种酒。

3. Consider Changing How and Where You Shop 改变你购物的方式和地点

One of the things I love about shopping online is that it's much easier to ignore extraneous items — I go to Amazon, put what I need in my cart, and check out. But I know if I try on clothing in a store, I'm much more likely to happen upon a dress that I suddenly really want. The solution? Except for groceries and pharmacy items finds, I rarely shop in physical stores. 我之所以喜欢网购的原因之一就是——它能帮我忽略掉那些不必要的商品。在亚马逊网购物的时候,我会把商品放进购物车,然后检查一遍。我知道要是我去服装店的试衣间里面试穿的话,我很有可能会突然很想买这件衣服。解决办法是什么?除了买食物和药品,我很少会去实体店购物。

4. Don't Shop With the Wrong People 别和错的人一起逛街

If you have impulse-happy shopping buddies, it can be easy to let them convince you that all the outfits you just tried on look great, and you should TOTALLY buy them. If you want to shop socially, do it with people who have also frugal spending habits (and if they happen to be able to tell you when a dress really looks great on you, well, all the better). 如果你有购物狂一样的朋友,那他们总是会告诉你,你刚试的那件衣服很配你,然后你会很容易被他们说服买下那件衣服。如果你想有人陪你逛街,那就找一些勤俭节约的朋友陪着你。(要是他们也说你穿那件衣服很好看的话,嗯,那就更好了。)

5. Give Yourself a Splurge Budget 给自己一个宽裕的财政预算

Whether it's budgeting for one new clothing item a month, allowing yourself a fancy coffee every now and again, or giving yourself spend-it-however-you-want cash, give yourself some room so you don't feel like a penny-pinching miser. 不论是什么样的预算都行——每月可以给自己买一件新衣服,每隔一阵子能去喝一杯花式咖啡,或是给自己一些可以随便花的额度。给自己留点额度,这样不会使你看上去像个守财奴。

6. Only Buy Things You Can Return 只买享有无条件退货政策的商品

If you really have a problem with impulse purchases, at the very least, buy from stores with good return policies. 如果你真的有冲动消费的毛病,那最后一个办法就是,去那些有无条件退货政策的店里买。

7. Remember to Not Be Fooled by Sales 别一看到大减价就hold不住了

Sales with huge markdowns can make impulse purchases very tempting. For years, half my shoe collection was made up of shoes I only sort of liked, but had found on sale. Remember, if you see a product on sale, you will always save more money if you don't buy it at all. 大减价的活动很容易造成冲动消费。我在大减价时买的那些鞋子,几乎占了我全部鞋子的一半。我是有一点点喜欢它们的,可其实还是因为它们在减价,所以才买下了它们。如果你再看到有商品正在促销的话,记住,不买总是最省钱的。

8. Keep a List of Things You Really Want or Need 列一张购物清单

That way, if you do see them on sale, you can buy them with confidence. 这样的话,如果你正碰上它们大减价你就能果断买下了。

9. Don't Give Yourself Access to Your Money 别给自己太多钱

Whether it's leaving your credit cards at home or only carrying a certain amount of cash, you can't make impulse purchases if you don't have the money to do so. 不论你采取什么方式,把信用卡留在家里或是带一小部分的现金在身上都可以。你要是没钱那当然不能再冲动消费啦。


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