教师工资调查中国几乎垫底 仅为加拿大十分之一-查字典英语网
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教师工资调查中国几乎垫底 仅为加拿大十分之一

发布时间:2019-08-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

How much is a professor worth? It might help to know what professors are actually paid and how that figure compares with other salaries — and with the salaries of academics in other countries. But as Philip Altbach and his colleagues at the Center for International Higher Education discovered, such questions are a lot easier to ask than to answer.


In a new book, “Paying the Professoriate,” to be published this month, Mr. Altbach and his co-editors examine academic salaries, contracts and benefits in publicly funded universities in 28 countries. They depict a world increasingly divided “into two categories — brain drain and brain gain,” as countries with more resources siphon off academic talent from poorer countries. They also show a profession that in many countries is subject to a widening gap between professors at top research universities and those who work at colleges devoted mainly to teaching.


All currencies were converted into U.S. dollars using a purchasing power parity index based on the cost of a set of items in the United States. But they also compared salaries in each country with that country’s average per capita gross domestic product, giving a sense of how academics were paid in comparison to pay for compatriots in other jobs. Finally each of the 28 country teams was asked whether the average academic salary for that country was “sufficient to support a middle-class standard of living.”


In terms of purchasing power, newly hired academics in China ($259 per month, as calculated by this particular study’s index) were the worst off, paid less than colleagues in Armenia ($405) or Ethiopia ($864). Academics in Canada, where the entry level salaries averaged $5,733, and full professors were paid an average of $9,485, had more cause for celebration than in the United States, where newly hired faculty members averaged $4,950 and full professors $7,358.


“We wanted to get an international perspective,” said Mr. Androushchak, one of the book’s co-editors. Although Russians continue to be awarded Nobel prizes — and to launch rockets — the country’s academic institutions consistently fare poorly in international rankings. “We wanted to know what developed countries paid their academics, as well as developing countries and the other BRICS,” he said, referring to the emerging economies, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

新书的另一位合著者Androushchak 先生表示:“我们的研究想要有一个国际性的观察视角。” 虽然俄罗斯人持续获得诺贝尔奖、发射火箭,但在国际排名中该国学术机构的工资水平却一直都很低廉。他表示:“我们想了解更多关于发达国家、发展中国家和其他金砖五国的教授薪酬水平”。这里的金砖五国指的是巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非五个经济快速发展的国家。


国家 初级工资 平均工资 最高工资 加拿大 5733 7196 9485 意大利 3525 6955 9118 南非 3927 6531 9330 印度 3954 6070 7433 美国 4950 6054 7358


国家 初级工资 平均工资 最高工资 亚美尼亚 405 538 665 俄罗斯 433 617 910 中国 259 720 1107 埃塞俄比亚 864 1207 1580 哈萨克斯坦 1037 1553 2304


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