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发布时间:2019-08-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A Colorado man was sentenced to five years' probation after accidentally shooting a woman whose red mohawk he mistook for a fowl that had been harassing his cats.


Derrill Rockwell, 49, told police that he grabbed his 22-caliber rifle and set out from his home Oct. 5 to fire at the bird after spotting it at the top of a hill about 90 feet away, the Daily Sentinel reported Friday.

据Daily Sentinel周五报道,49岁的美国男子罗克韦尔告诉警察,去年十月五号那天他拿起自己22口径的枪离开家,站在大约90英尺远的山顶朝一只大鸟开了一枪。

"His intent was to spook it away," Deputy District Attorney Jason Conley told District Judge Richard Gurley on Friday, according to the newspaper.

据报道,地区代理辩护人Jason Conley于周五告诉区法官Richard Gurley,称“他的目的是吓跑那只‘鸟’”。

But after shooting at the bird, the man said he noticed it didn't fly away and he reported hearing a woman moaning in pain. Rockwell soon discovered that he had shot a 23-year-old woman in the head, mistaking her red mohawk for the menacing bird.


Conley reportedly told the judge that the woman may have passed out from alcohol before being shot. Police officers also found a bag of suspected methamphetamine near where she was shot.


The woman survived the shooting, but has since moved from Colorado and could not be reached by the newspaper Friday.


Rockwell was sentenced to serve five years probation after pleading guilty to felony possession of a weapon by a prior offender, the newspaper reported. "In 15 years in law enforcement, this was one of the more interesting cases I’ve worked," Grand Junction Police Department detective Sean Crocker told the judge, according to the newspaper.

据报道,这名男子因非法运用枪械攻击他人已被判处缓刑5年。警察部门的侦探Sean Crocker告诉法官,称“这是我十五年处理案件以来,看到的最有趣的案例。”


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