Nearly 1,000 medical practitioners in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province gathered Tuesday afternoon to mourn the death of an intern killed in a hospital attack on March 23. 周二下午,在中国东北部的黑龙江省,近千名医务工作者聚集在一起,悼念于3月23日在医院遇袭身亡的实习医生王浩。
The memorial for Wang Hao was held at 3 p.m. at the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University in the provincial capital Harbin. 下午三点,王浩的追悼会在哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院举行。
Zhou Jin, president of the hospital, said at the memorial that Wang had just before the attack received admission to study a doctorate at a Hong Kong-based medical university. 哈医大附属第一医院院长周晋在追悼会上表示,王浩在遇袭前刚刚接到香港一所医科大学的博士生录取通知书。
Health Minister Chen Zhu issued a statement Tuesday, mourning the loss and calling for the murderer to be severely punished. 同一天,卫生部部长陈竺发表声明时,悼念死者,并要求严惩凶手。
The incident occurred at 4:30 p.m. Friday when a patient allegedly attacked Wang and three other medical workers at the hospital with a knife. 上周五,下午四点半,有人称,一名患者闯入医院,对王浩和其他三名医务人员持刀行凶。
The injuries of the other three were serious but not life threatening, according to local police. 据当地警方称,另外三名医生伤势严重,但没有生命危险 。
Police captured the alleged attacker, a 17-year-old man named Li Mengnan, when he was receiving emergency treatment as he tried to kill himself following the attack. 警方已经逮捕了犯罪嫌疑人李梦南。现年17岁的李梦南在行凶后试图自杀,后在急诊室被抓获。
Li was suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic disease that causes inflammation around the spinal vertebrae. He told the police that doctors at the hospital had a terrible attitude and "deliberately rejected" treating him. He said this was the motivation for his attack. 李梦南患有强直性脊柱炎,这是一种致使脊柱周围发炎的慢性疾病。他向警方供认,医院医生的态度很差,“故意不给他治病”。李梦南称这是他袭击医生的动机。
However, a doctor on condition of anonymity said Li also suffered from tuberculosis, and he was advised to treat tuberculosis at a chest hospital before treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. 但是,一名匿名医生表示,李梦南还患有肺结核,于是医生建议他在治疗强直性脊柱炎之前,先去胸科医院把肺结核治好。
Remicade used to treat ankylosing spondylitis may be fatal to tuberculosis-carrier, the doctor said. 该医生表示,常用于治疗强直性脊柱炎的药物“类克”对肺结核患者来说可能是致命的。
A further investigation is under way. 该事件的进一步调查正在进行中。
The provincial health department issued an urgent circular Saturday, urging hospitals and medical institutions to install alarms, cameras and access control systems to strengthen security for medical workers. 黑龙江省卫生厅于上周六发布紧急通知,要求各大医院以及医疗机构安装警报器、摄像头及门禁系统,以加强对医护人员的安全保护。
A health ministry circular issued Tuesday called for security protection measures to be beefed up in all medical institutions and health authorities compounds. 卫生部于周二发布通知,要求所有医疗机构及卫生部门加强安保措施。
A security protection system featuring around-the-clock monitoring over key sections and departments in hospitals and clinics should be formed, according to the circular. 根据通知,医院及诊所的主要区域和各个科室要设置24小时不间断的安全监控系统。
"Greater efforts should be made to explore efficient ways for solving disputes arising from medical treatments and between health care staff and patients," the circular said. 该通知称,还需加大力度去寻求解决治疗纠纷及调解医患矛盾的有效方式。
The ministry also stressed improving the ability of medial staff in communication with patients through greater training efforts. 卫生部还强调,医院应加强对医生的培训,提高医护人员与患者沟通的能力。
In 2009, the Chinese government unveiled a 850-billion-yuan three-year plan for health care reform. The plan aims to provide universal and affordable medical services to the country's 1.3 billion people. 2009年,中国政府公布了一项8500亿元的医改方案。该方案旨在为全国13亿民众提供全面且价格合理的医疗服务。
Public hospital reform projects include favorable policies for public hospitals in the areas of city planning, medical staff training and funding. 在公立医院医改计划中,公立医院在城市规划、医护人员培训及资金支持等方面都享有优惠政策。
Ling Feng, a renowned neurosurgeon and a senior member with the Chinese Medical Doctor Association. advised the government to further increase spending on health care, raising doctors' salary and lowering patients' cost, in which she believes is the fundamental way to ease the tension. 著名神经外科专家,中国医师协会资深会员凌峰建议,政府应该进一步加大医疗投入,提高医生的薪资,降低看病的费用,这是缓和医患矛盾最根本的办法。
She also called for strengthened communication training for medical practitioners to avoid further tragedies. 凌峰还呼吁加强对医护人员的沟通技能的培训以防止悲剧重演。
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