Skinny jeans are awesome. They're the ultimate pants for fashion lovers. 紧身牛仔裤真是棒极了,是时尚潮人们的基本必备。
They suit all body types because they flatter even the most flawed bottom-half. That's because they can elongate and slim the leg, and make one's butt look like an apple. 它适合所有身材,即便是下半身体型最糟糕的人,穿上紧身牛仔裤也能收获满意的效果。这是因为紧身牛仔能令腿部变得更纤长,使臀部看起来像个苹果。
They're also very adaptable, providing a neutral base upon which people can build an outfit. They tuck into boots easily, and look equally good with heels. 此外,紧身牛仔裤还十分百搭,可以用其打底搭配出整体效果。它们可以轻易地塞进靴子里,配高跟鞋也很美。
However, recently there's a public crossfire in the US about whether it's a good idea to wear these sorts of jeans, or if its better we discard pants that are just too tight. 然而,近日,美国上下掀起一场关于紧身牛仔的激烈论战,人们质疑穿着这种紧身裤是否明智,是否该摒弃这种过紧的裤子。
There are plenty of horror stories associated with skinny jeans. They range from falling over and not being able to get up again because of how tight the jeans are, to experiencing numbness in the thighs. 关于紧身牛仔裤骇人听闻的报道层出不穷。有人因为紧身牛仔裤太紧以致于摔倒后站不起来,有人的穿上紧身牛仔裤后大腿麻痹失去知觉。
A latest Wall Street Journal article goes further, pointing out some scary health risks of our favorite skinny jeans. 《华尔街日报》近日的一篇文章更进一步指出,我们最爱的牛仔裤可能为健康带来可怕的威胁。
The article listed several symptoms of "skinny jean syndrome" including lower back pain, and in cases where the waistband is extremely tight, digestive issues and blood clots. 这篇文章中列举出一些“紧身牛仔综合征”的症状,包括腰痛症状,以及一些由于(牛仔裤)腰部过紧而导致的消化系统问题及血液凝块现象。
Friction caused by overly tight pants may lead to bladder infections. 过于紧身的牛仔裤所产生的摩擦可能导致膀胱感染的发生。
Plus, it causes nerve compression. A very tight pant leg can pinch a sensitive nerve in your upper thigh. And it stirs terrible burning and pain. 另外,紧身牛仔还会压迫神经。非常紧身的裤子会挤压到你大腿上部的敏感神经,产生剧烈的灼烧感和疼痛感。
Finally, a strange kind of disfigurement can occur when too-tight jeans force fatty tissue into areas above the knee. This causes horizontal lesions to appear around the thighs. They'll end up looking like thigh donuts that are ugly. 最后,过于紧身的牛仔裤会将脂肪组织推到膝盖以上部位,从而产生一种奇怪的畸形。这会在大腿周围产生一系列横向的皮肤损伤,最终会使大腿看起来像是丑陋的甜甜圈。
Would you like to become a fashion victim? Or will you opt to upsize your skinny pants a bit? 你是想沦为时尚的牺牲品,还是选择把紧身牛仔裤的尺寸放宽一点?
Killer heels and belts 高跟鞋和腰带也暗藏杀机
Tight jeans aren't the only fashion item on trial. The Wall Street Journal identified other trendy closet items with a dark side. 紧身牛仔裤并非唯一接受人们审判的时尚单品。《华尔街日报》同时也指出了其他一些暗藏弊端的时尚衣橱单品。
High heels: result in nerve and bone damage, and ankle sprains. 高跟鞋:“恨天高”会导致神经、骨骼受伤,脚踝扭伤。
Earrings: produce itchy red rashes and promote infection. 耳环:引发发痒红疹,并引起感染。
Tight belts: reduce oxygen intake, leading to light-headedness. 紧身腰带:减少摄氧量,引起轻微头痛。
Shirt collars and neckties: can cut off circulation to the brain, producing headaches, blurry vision and ringing ears, if you wear them too tight. 衬衫衣领和领带:如果你系得太紧,可能会切断通往大脑的血液循环,产生头痛,视线模糊及耳鸣等症状。
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