Starbucks unveiled a new energy drink line March 22, 2017. Starbucks Refreshers, available now in select areas, come in three different flavors and are made with fruit juice and green coffee extract.
3月22日,星巴克推出了一款含果汁和绿咖啡萃取物的混合饮料,名字叫“Starbucks Refreshers”(星巴克清爽饮料)。这款饮料将会推出三种不同的口味,现在已经可以在部分区域购买到。
Starbucks announced plans Thursday to expand into the fast-growing energy drink industry, unveiling a new line of Refreshers carbonated beverages.
The energy drinks, which are available now in select retail and grocery stores, come in three flavors: raspberry pomegranate, orange melon and strawberry lemonade.
In addition to fruit juice, the carbonated drink uses green coffee extract, but has no coffee taste. The 12-ounce cans contain 60 calories, Starbucks said in a press release.
The Refreshers line targets the $8 billion U.S. energy drink market that includes products such as Red Bull and Rockstar.
By the end of April, Starbucks Refreshers will be available at 160,000 locations.
至四月底,Starbucks Refreshers(星巴克清爽饮料)会开始在16万个地点销售。
Starbucks also announced plans to create roughly 150 jobs by investing nearly $180 million to build a new factory in Augusta, Ga., and to expand an existing roasting plant in Sandy Run, S.C., to add packaging capability.
星巴克同时宣布将会投资1.8亿美元在美国乔治亚州的Augusta市建造新工厂,届时将能提供约150个职位。为了增加包装产能,星巴克还将扩大在美国南卡罗莱纳州的Sandy Run市的烘焙工厂。
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