Since her death in 1962, Marilyn Monroe has never been out of the popular imagination. As the 50th anniversary of Monroe's mysterious death approaches, her image has been re-examined. 自1962年离世后,玛丽莲梦露从未远离大众视线。随着梦露离世50周年纪念日的临近,梦露的形象又再次引发公众探究热潮。
There was My Week with Marilyn, the Oscar-nominated biopic starring Michelle Williams. It came out last November. Last month, a new NBC series, Smash, about a fictional Monroe-themed Broadway musical, made its debut. 影片方面有,由女星米歇尔•威廉姆斯主演的奥斯卡提名影片《我与梦露的一周》。该片于去年十一月上映。上个月,由美国全国广播公司NBC打造的梦露主题的百老汇音乐剧《名声大噪》初次亮相。
The latest take on Monroe is the exhibition at the Getty Images Gallery in London which opened last week. It's a collection of photographs, dresses and other memorabilia. 一组有关梦露的最新物品出现在上周于伦敦开幕的格蒂图像画廊展览会上。其中包括一组照片、服装以及其他的一些纪念物品。
In the early 1950s, as her movie career took off, Monroe established her image as a "sex goddess". Her status grows with the passing years and she is now a cultural icon–a one-of-a-kind. 在上世纪50年代初期,梦露刚开始银幕生涯时,便塑造了自己性感女神的个人形象。随着时间流逝,她的地位不断提升,如今她已然成为了一个独一无二的文化偶像。
"Monroe was divine and profane at the same time," said a 2008 article in Vanity Fair about Monroe's legacy. "And she quickly entered the realm of myth and metaphor as Hollywood's most famous martyred saint." 2008年,《名利场》杂志中一篇讨论梦露留给后人影响的文章评论说:“梦露是神圣的,同时又是世俗的。她很快成为一个神话,一种象征,被喻为好莱坞最著名的神圣殉道者。”
Monroe was a "sex goddess" who was emotionally immature. Many people talk about the sadness in her eyes, her vulnerability and how she cultivated an archetype in part to hide her own inadequacies. 梦露是一位情感上稍显稚嫩的性感女神。人们经常会讨论她眼中的忧郁,她的脆弱以及她如何在某种程度上为了掩藏自身的弱点而塑造出一种典型人物。
Monroe once said "Marilyn" was a persona which she had to "don". Consisting of makeup, wardrobe and attitude, "Marilyn" took hours to prepare. 梦露曾表示,“玛丽莲”只是一张她不得不戴上的面具。为了戴上这张面具,她总是要把大把时间花在化妆,华服和姿态上。
As "Marilyn", Norma Jeane Mortenson (Monroe's birth name) could lose her thoughts and memories of her early life (she spent time in foster homes and orphanages) and bask in the adoration and worship of her fans. 作为“玛丽莲”,本名为诺玛•琼•培克的梦露的可能要丢掉自己的想法,忘掉早年的经历(她曾在寄养家庭和孤儿院生活多年),继而沉浸在粉丝的崇拜和仰慕中。
Monroe's failed relationships with men made worse her emotional vulnerability. In her short 36-year life, Monroe was married three times, all ending in divorce. 梦露失败的感情经历使她的情感变得更加脆弱。在她短短36年的人生中,她的三次婚姻皆以失败告终。
"If even a woman that beautiful clearly has trouble and is damaged and has insecurities, then we're all entitled," Michelle Williams told the Los Angeles Times. “如果一位如此美丽的女性也会不可避免地遭遇感情问题,受到伤害并缺乏安全感,那我们就更不用说了。”米歇尔•威廉姆斯在接受《洛杉矶时报》采访时表示。
Williams said she believes there was something to admire in how Monroe crafted her image. 威廉姆斯坚信,梦露成功塑造了“玛丽莲”这个形象,她身上一定具有值得赞赏之处。
"To be Marilyn Monroe, to be what people expected, to be that open and sexual and gorgeous, it takes an incredible amount of effort." “要成为玛丽莲•梦露,满足人们的期望,集开放、性感、美丽于一身,这需要付出常人无法想象的努力。”
"I read something where she said that it's a very difficult thing to be when one is feeling unlovable," Williams said. "It's a drain to put out that much energy. It leaves you exhausted." “我曾读到过一些文章,其中梦露说,当一个人感到自己不再讨人喜爱时,就很难塑造这样的一个形象,”威廉姆斯说,“这将渐渐耗尽你的精力,浇灭你的热情。最终令你筋疲力尽。”
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