You don't need a password, a cauldron or a spell book to gain admission. But you may need rather deep pockets. Muggles are being granted access to the hallowed halls of Hogwarts as the Harry Potter film sets are opened up to fans. But the three-hour tour of the Warner Brothers studios comes with a somewhat less magical price tag — £83 for a family of four. Add the cost of travel to the site in Leavesden, Hertfordshire, plus food, drinks and merchandise from the gift shop, and the day out could cost parents more than £200. Critics have accused Warner Brothers, which grossed £5billion from the Potter films, of exploiting the "pester power" of children desperate to go on the tour. To get out of the building, customers will be forced to walk through the gift shop, where one of the items on sale costs as much as £500. Children will see replica wands for £24.95 and T-shirts from the Hogwarts school houses priced between £20 and £35. An exact remake of headmaster Albus Dumbledore's robes will set you back £495.95, while a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans costs £8.95. Even a small glass of non-alcoholic Butterbeer, the drink of choice for young wizards, is £2.95.
Ed Mayo, former chief executive of Consumer Focus and author of Consumer Kids: How Big Business Is Grooming Our Children For Profit, said parents may feel it is an attempt to make a "cheap buck". He added: "This is probably going to be the biggest site of pester power in western Europe." "It's no surprise the sets have been turned into a commercial enterprise but this will be an expensive morning or afternoon out. Part of being a parent is being able to say no, but having to walk through the gift shop to leave the tour makes it very difficult." Mumsnet co-founder Justine Roberts said: "It is a shame that something so popular with children as a Harry Potter tour is going to cost quite so much." "It would make a lot of sense in this climate for Warner Brothers to help make families' lives easier." Despite the criticism, the studio is expecting around 5,000 visitors a day to flock to see the haunts of witches and wizards. Beginning at the "cupboard under the stairs" where Harry lived before he discovered he was a wizard, the tour allows fans into the studio where the franchise was filmed. They will be able to peer into sets including Hogwarts' Great Hall, Diagon Alley, Dumbledore's office, the Gryffindor common room and the purple Knight Bus — but will not actually be permitted to venture inside them. A single child ticket is priced at £21 and a single adult ticket at £28, while a group ticket for a family of four will set you back £83.
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