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发布时间:2019-08-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Mexico telecommunications czar Carlos Slim topped the Forbes annual world's richest list on Wednesday, holding the edge over Microsoft's Bill Gates who continued to give away billions of his fortune to charity. 《福布斯》2017年度全球富豪榜在周三出炉,墨西哥通信巨头、亿万富翁卡洛斯·斯利姆位居榜单首位,力压排名第二的微软总裁比尔·盖茨。他在过去的一年继续将巨额财富用于慈善事业。

Despite a US$6 billion (S$7.57 billion) hit to his wealth from slumping stock markets over the past year, Forbes said Mr Slim's US$69 billion was enough to keep him on top of its global billionaires list for the third straight year. 尽管在2011年由于股市暴跌斯利姆的财富缩水60亿美元,但《福布斯》表示斯利姆690亿美元的财富值还是力压全球亿万富豪。墨西哥通信巨头已经连续三年蝉联榜首。

Mr Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, had a fortune worth US$61 billion, still hefty after having given away US$28 billion over recent years to global causes such as fighting Aids and polio. 微软创始人比尔·盖茨财富值为610亿美元。虽然在近些年盖茨捐赠了280亿美元用于救助艾滋和小儿麻痹症等全球性问题,但经济实力仍然雄厚。

The two topped a list of 1,226 billionaires Forbes counted around the world, dominated as ever by Americans - 425 in total and 11 of the top 20 - but also underpinned by the rise of concentrated wealth in China and Russia. 今年的《福布斯》榜单共有1226名入选者,美国共有425名亿万富豪上榜,仍占据领先地位。前二十的排名中也有11位来自美国。俄罗斯和中国大陆上榜富豪数量缩水,分列其后。

Fifty-eight countries were represented on the list of a record 1,226 billionaires, whose average fortune was US$3.7 billion.Hong Kong's Li Ka-shing took the ninth spot with a fortune of US$25.5 billion. 榜单上的1226名亿万富豪分别来自58个国家,平均财富值为37亿美元。来自香港的华人首富李嘉诚以255亿美元的财富值位列第九名,首次进入前十成亚洲首富。

TOP Ten of Forbes World's Billionaires List: 《福布斯》全球富豪榜前十:

卡洛斯 斯利姆及其家族/Carlos Slim Helu & family

比尔·盖茨/Bill Gates

沃伦·巴菲特/Warren Buffett

伯纳德·阿诺特/Bernard Arnault

阿曼西奥·奥特加/Amancio Ortega

拉里·埃里森/Larry Ellison

埃克·巴蒂斯塔/Eike Batista

斯蒂芬·佩尔森/Stefan Persson

李嘉诚/Li Ka-shing


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