Feeling a little burnt out? Run down? Overwhelmed? It's time to put yourself first! Any one of these six things works like magic to bring you back home to yourself.
There was an unhappy marriage. The woman, in her mid-60s, was feeling sad and low. One afternoon her grandson, just 4 and unaware of her problems, had an uncontrollable urge to dance, which for him meant flapping his arms and churning his legs in such a way as to appear as if he were hopping madly around on a bed of hot coals. "Dance with me, Grandma!" he said, hopping closer to her. She danced. And remembered delight.
曾经有一个不幸的婚姻。这个女人,60多岁,她感到悲伤和低落。一天下午,她的孙子,才4岁并不知道她的困惑,他按捺不住内心激动想跳舞去,这对他意味着拍打着两支胳膊并搅动着双腿,就像在热炭上疯狂的跳跃。 “与我共舞,奶奶!”他说,跳跃接近她。她跳起舞来。于是记忆了喜悦。
Have Sex
Three kids (grown), two demanding jobs, and one dead air-conditioner later, they lay naked and sweating in their large, connubial bed. "God, " she said, "I'm hot." "That's right, " he said, "you are." He raised himself on one elbow, and with his face almost touching her, he began to blow lightly, from one of her shoulders to the other. The room, already warm, heated up. Endorphins were released. "I'd forgotten, " she said, finally. "Forgotten?" "I'd forgotten we were hot, " she said.
三个孩子(成年),两个高要求的工作,和一个坏掉的空调,他们出着汗光着躺在夫妻大床上。 “上帝,”她说,“我热(性感)。”“没错儿,”他说,“你是(性感)。”他举起一只胳膊肘撑起自己,他的脸几乎碰到她,他开始轻轻吹气,从她的一边肩膀到另一边。房间里,已经很热,是被加热了。内啡肽被释放。她说,”我忘了“ 终于。 “ 忘了吗?” “我都忘了我们是这么的性感。”她说道。
Fill Your Eyes with Green
It's the color many jewelers use as a backdrop when they're working on a delicate piece; green is said to be the easiest color for the eye to see. It's also thought to balance emotions and bring on a feeling of calm. Have you ever been mesmerized by the dense green of a palm as it swayed in a tropical breeze?
Stand in a Steaming Shower
And let the hot water loosen the stiff muscles in your neck. Lean over and feel the water pound your back. Stand again and breathe in the steam, which carries moisture to your airways and your skin, where it replenishes the water that has evaporated from your cells.
Too tired to dance? Husband on a trip? Middle of winter? Can't sleep? Sweep. Depending on how you do it, it's either the most productive way to be mindless (sweep that dusty attic floor) or the most mindful way to be unproductive (sweep the patio of falling leaves; they keep falling, you keep sweeping, sweeping, doing only this).
太累都不想跳舞了吗?老公出差了?正直隆冬?无法入睡?来大扫除吧,取决于你怎么扫,这或是放空自己最有效的方式来(去扫尘土飞扬的阁楼地板)或也是最有专注的做无用功的方法(扫掉阳台的落叶; 它们又不断落下来,你一直扫啊,扫啊,只有这样的扫)。
She used to get panic attacks. Then she learned how to "square breathe." Picture a square; choose a corner. Count to four as you slowly inhale. Count to four as you exhale. Reach the next corner on the inhale, leave it on the exhale. Four corners. Four deep breaths. Her heartbeat, which would suddenly gallop away, slowed to a comfortable trot. (Deep, slow breaths increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the body, which reduces the panic response.)
她以前经常会恐慌。然后,她学会了如何“广场呼吸。”想像一个广场;选择一个角落。你慢慢吸气时数到四。当你呼气时再数到四。达到下一角落再吸气,然后呼气离开。四个角落。 四个深呼吸。她的心跳会放缓像舒适的小跑了一般。 (深而慢的呼吸能增加体内的二氧化碳量,从而降低了恐慌反应。)
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下一篇: 1/3男性愿意和不爱的女人走进婚姻围墙
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