日本人河源启一郎骑自行车环游世界,三个星期前到达武汉。前天,他将车停在汉街入口处,因超出了约定的停车时间,看车的大爷下班了,而他的车也没有站架,因此靠墙停放,没有停在指定地方。他希望能找到他的自行车。河源启一郎说:“我的自行车是我的挚爱,我的女朋友,我想把它找回来。” 据悉,这辆自行车经过了改装,价值13000元人民币左右,已经伴随他走过了十几个国家。
Top 5 Reasons to Cycle China
1. The Silk Road: 神秘的丝绸之路
It’s the most evocative name for a highway in the world. There is no more perfect long-distance bicycle expedition in the Eastern Hemisphere.
2. The food: 物美价廉的食物
A cyclist rides on his or her stomach, and China is one of the best countries in the world in which to fill your belly. The variety, tastiness and cheapness of Chinese food is truly amazing, and keep cyclists happy on many a long day in the saddle.
3. Tibet: 一起去西藏
It’s not an easy trip, but it may be the most rewarding place on earth to ride.
4. The variety: 丰富多彩的中国文化
China is truly immense, bigger than the continental US, and it has an unbelievable variety of landscapes and cultures to offer.
5. The unexpected:意外之喜
Just when you thought you were coming to grips with your corner of China, you’ll come across something that you completely didn’t expect.
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