East Asia's cinephiles won't have a local favorite to cheer during this year's foreign-language Academy Awards race after the Taiwan epic "Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale" failed to be nominated for best foreign-language film on Tuesday. Last week, the 4-1/2-hour film — based on the true story of Taiwan's indigenous Seediq tribes who launched an armed uprising against Japanese rule in 1930 — was among nine films short-listed for the foreign-language category.
由于台湾影片《赛德克·巴莱》(Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale)本周二未入围奥斯卡最佳外语片奖终选名单,东亚的影迷在今年的最佳外语片奖角逐中就失去了为本地影片加油喝彩的机会了。上周,这部长达四个半小时的史诗巨片成为入围奥斯卡最佳外语片奖初选名单的九部影片之一,该影片以1930年台湾当地赛德克族发动反对日本殖民统治的武装起义的真实故事为蓝本。
"Seediq Bale," from director Wei Te-sheng , was the only film from the region to make the short list. Another high-profile blockbuster, Chinese mainland's "The Flowers of War" from director Zhang Yimou and starring Christian Bale didn't make the short list. But "Seediq Bale" and 'The Flowers of War' will compete at the Asian Film Awards in March, when both are up for best film and other nominations.
魏德圣(Wei Te-sheng)执导的《赛德克·巴莱》是唯一一部入围今年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖的初选名单的东亚电影。另外一部高调参选的大片、由中国大陆选送的《金陵十三钗》(The Flowers of War)未能入围,该片的导演是张艺谋,由克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale)担纲主演。不过,《赛德克·巴莱》和《金陵十三钗》将在今年3月争夺亚洲电影大奖(Asian Film Awards),这两部影片都获得了包括最佳影片在内的多项提名。
The failure of Taiwan to garner a nomination means that it's been more than a decade since it has been in the running for a foreign-language Oscar, despite the resurgence of its film industry in recent years.
Here are the five movies nominated for best foreign-language film:
Belgium: Bullhead
Canada: Monsieur Lazhar
Iran: A Separation
Israel: Footnote
Poland: In Darkness
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