Groupthink is a phenomenon in which the members of a group override their individuality in favor of unanimity. Scholars have ascribed bad decision making to groupthink, for example, in U.S. policy during the Vietnam War.
But how do outsiders interpret groupthink when they observe the behavior of a group and its members?
And the perception was that the more cohesive a group the less its individual members are thought to have independent thought. The study is in the journal Psychological Science.
A second experiment revealed that subjects did not hold members of a very cohesive group responsible for their individual actions. Indeed, some people argue that John Pike, the now infamous pepper-spray cop, was not accountable. And that the responsibility for his actions rests higher, with the police force and local government. Such notions may get tested in court. With psychologists as expert witnesses.
第二个实验显示,很有凝聚力的团队并不为成员的独立行为负责。事实上,很多人认为,John Pike,现在臭名昭著的向群众喷辣椒水条子 是不应该受到责备的。并且他的行为的责任上升到更高的高度,介入警方和当地政府。这样的观点将在法庭上得到验证,将由心理学家作为权威目击者。
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