The World Around You Is An Amazing Place – Take Time To See It
我们生活的世界很精彩 停下脚步看一看
What’s the hurry? Wake up, have a shower, get dressed, grab a snack from the fridge for breakfast, rush off to work, pop in and out of meetings, rush out at the end of the day, only to get home, make dinner, scarf it down, sit in front of the TV, go to bed and hope you wake up so you can do it all over again!
Now imagine if you were leisurely walking a trail in the woods, taking in all the sights, sounds and smells of nature. You had nowhere to be and nothing was hectic. The only thing you had to worry about was maybe stepping in a puddle and getting your socks wet.
The world around us is an amazing place. Too often we get so used to it that we no longer see it. Consider taking some time out of your day to truly see what’s around you, often right under your nose. Here are a few things from the natural world that I find amazing and try to take in every chance I get.
1. Northern lights 北极光
We are fortunate enough to live in the Northern hemisphere and at a latitude that allows us to see these wonders quite frequently. It never occurred to me just how special this natural phenomenon was until we were living in Australia. While there, a local radio station was holding a contest asking people what they most wanted to see in their life time and one of the callers said they wish they could see the Northern lights – something we saw at least a few times a month in the winter back home.
2. Hoar frost 霜降
One of the things I find fascinating is how beautiful everything can be in winter. It’s not just dark, cold and miserable. There are days when you can be fortunate enough to wake up to a fresh snow fall, bright blue skies and hoar frost. It’s a pretty amazing sight when everything is covered in a delicate layer of frost.
3. HUGE snow flakes 大片雪花
My favorite type of snow is not the type you make snowmen out of or have snowball fights with but rather the big, slow moving, fluffy kind. Watching extra large flakes of snow sluggishly fall to the ground is really quite neat.
4. Lightning 闪电
I’m not a huge fan of electrical storms and they scare me just a little, but I still find them really amazing and actually quite beautiful.
5. Waterfalls 瀑布
Niagara falls has to be the most impressive waterfalls I’ve seen so far. I was shocked at the shear volume and power of the water as it flows over the edge and how quickly it settles once at the bottom. Watching a waterfall is a bit different to watching a slow moving stream but each beautiful in its own right.
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