More than half of us are unable to get a good night’s rest, say researchers following a major study.
They warn that the lack of sleep is having a serious knock-on effect on our health.
Sleep expert Professor Colin Espie, of the University of Glasgow and co-founder of the organisation Sleepio, has collated interviews with 12,000 adults in Britain’s largest study of sleep patterns.
‘Insomnia affects people’s quality of life during the day, not just their sleep at night,’ he said.
‘Living with poor sleep and its consequences is not only very common, but it is in all likelihood degrading Britain’s health.’
In total, 51 percent of adults struggle to nod off or remain asleep. Women suffer far more than men, with 75 percent reporting problems compared with 25 percent of men.
The survey found that 55 percent of adults reported relationship difficulties as a result, it affected the concentration of 77 percent, 64 percent said they were less productive at work, 83 percent had mood problems and 93 percent lacked energy.
Professor Espie, who believes better treatment for sleep deprivation should be available on the NHS, added: ‘This is not a trivial matter. Persistent poor sleep elevates the risk of developing new illnesses.
‘This has been shown in disorders such as diabetes, but also very convincingly in depression.’
He added that a quarter of those with insomnia had suffered for more than 11 years.
Another survey of 3,000 adults found that 70 percent of people believe they don’t get enough sleep and 57 percent lie awake at night worried about work or money.
The result is that one in ten check work emails, 6 percent wake up their partner if they can't sleep, 26 percent listen to soothing music and 18 percent believe having sex helps.
The study, commissioned by the retailer IKEA, found that half of people blamed a poor mattress for a bad night’s sleep.
But more women seemed to avoid any problems, with 21 percent regularly getting more than eight hours' sleep compared to just 14 percent of men.
It also discovered that one in ten adults go to bed with a teddy bear.
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