1. Spend time regretting the past and feeling sorry for yourself.
1. 把时间花在后悔过去、为自己叹息上。
2. Complain about problems and do nothing to solve them.
2. 只会抱怨问题,却不想法子解决它。
3. Follow the path of least resistance and quit when the going gets tough.
3. 走捷径,遇到困难就放弃。
4. Ignore your passion and follow the money.
4. 为了钱而忽视你的激情。
5. Setup your lifestyle so it’s dependant on your next paycheck.
5. 过着这个月花下个月的钱的生活。
6. Spend more than you earn and rack up lots of financial debt.
6. 花的比你赚的还要多,还欠了一屁股的账。
7. Try to control everything and then worry about the things you can’t control.
7. 试图控制所有事,然后为那些你根本无法控制的事情烦恼。
8. Focus on what you don’t want to happen.
8. 精力都集中在你不想发生的事情上。
9. Fear the things you don’t fully understand.
9. 害怕那些你不完全了解的事情。
10. Let everyone else make decisions for you. Don’t decide on anything, ever
10. 从来不自己做决定,什么决定都让人家帮你做。
上一篇: 英发现世界最小化石 长度不到五分之一毫米
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