Microsoft has broken away from its traditional celebratory cake for Firefox releases.
The software giant has a habit of sending cakes to Mozilla after the foundation ships an update to its Firefox browser. Mozilla’s recent Firefox 8 release has stemmed the flow of cupcakes from Redmond. Microsoft didn’t ship a cupcake to Mozilla for its Firefox 8 release. “We didn’t do it since we thought it was getting to be overkill,” said a Microsoft spokesperson. “Every six weeks is a lot of cupcakes”, they added.
软件巨头微软有个不成文的习俗,每当谋智网络将火狐浏览器更新到新版本时,都会送去蛋糕表示祝贺。不过从最新发布的Firefox 8版本开始,位于雷德蒙德的微软总部决定不再“供应”纸杯蛋糕了。微软没有为Firefox 8版本提供蛋糕。微软的发言人表示:“我们自此不会再继续这个传统,因为实在是有太大杀伤力了,基本每六周我们就要提供好多纸杯蛋糕。”
Microsoft originally shipped a big congratulatory cake to Mozilla in March for shipping Firefox 4. Microsoft then shipped a smaller cupcake to Mozilla in June after the company shipped Firefox 5. Microsoft’s tradition of cupcakes also saw the company ship Mozilla a small cupcake in August when Firefox 6 launched. Microsoft’s final cupcake was sent to Mozilla in late September after the company shipped Firefox 7. The cupcakes were a clear reference to Mozilla’s smaller and rapid work on the Firefox browser software.
这个传统始于2006年Firefox 2版本的正式发布,但是今年微软有点吃不消了。微软在谋智网络三月份发布Firefox 4时送去了一个庆祝蛋糕,六月份发布Firefox 5时又送了一个小点的蛋糕。在八月份谋智发布Firefox 6的时候,微软送去的是一个小纸杯蛋糕,传统继续。微软最后送出的庆祝纸杯蛋糕是在九月份Firefox 7发布后。蛋糕大小和送出的时间可以清晰地表明谋智团队在火狐浏览器的快速工作效率。
Microsoft is currently readying its Internet Explorer 10 browser. The company unveiled a platform preview 3 version of IE10 at its BUILD conference recently. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 10 platform preview 3 build is only available inside Windows 8, for now. Microsoft confirmed in April that it has no plans to offer IE10 to Vista or Windows XP users. Future platform previews of Internet Explorer 10 will be made available every 8-12 weeks.
微软目前正在进行IE10浏览器的研发工作。微软公司在最近的专业开发者大会上揭开了IE10第三版平台预览版的神秘面纱,目前IE10第三版平台预览版只能在Windows 8运行。微软曾在四月份确认公司暂无为Vista 或Windows XP用户提供IE10浏览器的计划。预计每8-12周微软将推出一个测试版本。
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