1. A full English Breakfast—it must have beans, sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns and toast. Of course, it should all be knocked back with a cup of tea, but black pudding is optional as far as I'm concerned.
1. 完整的英国早餐---通常一定有豆类,香肠,熏肉,鸡蛋,蘑菇,土豆煎饼和吐司。当然,要搭配一杯茶,就我而言的话,也是个不错的备选。
2. Breakfast in Iran—it usually features some sort of naan bread with butter and jam. When a light breakfast just isn't going to hit the spot Iranians eat halim. Halim is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar cooked with shredded meat in huge pots. You can eat it hot or cold. You can also see the Iranian version of an omelet here too.
2. 伊朗早餐——特色就是这些抹了黄油和果酱的烤饼面包。当这样简单的早餐不能满足伊朗人的需要的时候,他们就会吃哈利姆。哈利姆是在一个巨大的容器中用小麦,肉挂,黄油和糖与肉丝共同混合烘焙而成的食物。加热和放凉,哈利姆都可以食用。这里你也可以看到伊朗版本的煎蛋是什么样子的。
3. A Cuban wake up meal—usually consists of sweetened coffee with milk with a pinch of salt thrown in. The unique Cuban bread is toasted and buttered and cut into lengths to dunk in the coffee.
3. 古巴醒神餐——通常包括加糖,加牛奶,还放一小撮盐的咖啡。古巴最独特的面包是烤出来,涂上黄油,切成一定长度,蘸着咖啡一起吃。
4. Polish Breakfast—known locally as Jajecznica, a traditional Polish breakfast consists of scrambled eggs covered with slices of custom-made kielbasa and joined by two potato pancakes.
4. 波兰早餐——当地人成为Jajecznica,这种传统的波兰早餐包括覆盖有客人自己选择的波兰熏肠切片的炒鸡蛋,同时搭配有两个土豆煎饼。
5. Quick Spanish breakfast—Pan a la Catalana, or Pan con Tomate, in Spain is simple but really delicious. Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato, then drizzle with olive oil and salt. Top with cheese, ham or sausage for an extra bit.
5. 西班牙早餐——Pan a la Catalana或者是Pan con Tomate(一种面包),西班牙的早餐一般很简单,但是却很美味。就是把新鲜的大蒜和成熟的番茄酱擦在面包上,然后加少许橄榄油和盐。为了满足更多的需求,也可以在面包的最上面放上些奶酪,火腿或者香肠。
6. A yummy Moroccan breakfast – usually consists of different breads with some chutney, jam, cheese or butter. They have a really delicious crumpet-style bread which they make in huge slabs for you to tear a bit off, and a semolina pancake bread called Baghir—both are really tasty.
6. 美味的摩洛哥早餐——通常包括涂有些酸辣酱,果酱,奶酪或者黄油的不同面包。摩洛哥有真正美味的烤面饼,通常被一厚块端上来,然后你从上面撕下一点儿来,还有叫做Baghir的小麦粉薄烤饼--它们都很好吃。
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