苹果神话继续:iPhone 4S三天内卖出400万台-查字典英语网
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苹果神话继续:iPhone 4S三天内卖出400万台

发布时间:2019-07-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Apple Inc. said on Monday it sold 4 million iPhone 4S models in the three days since it went on sale Oct. 14.

苹果公司在周一宣布,自10月14日iPhone 4S上市发售以来,三天内销售量已达到400万台。

Sales in stores began on Friday in Japan, Australia, France, the U.K., Germany, Canada and the United States.

iPhone 4S于上周五开始在日本、澳大利亚、法国、英国、德国、加拿大和美国的苹果专卖店内销售。

The company took more than 1 million online orders in the first 24 hours after the release of the iPhone 4S, exceeding the 600,000 for the iPhone 4, though it was sold in fewer countries.

虽然iPhone 4S比iPhone 4的销售国家少,但在其发布后的24小时内,苹果公司收到了100多万个网上订单,超过iPhone 4当时的60万订单数。

Unveiled just a day before Apple Chairman Steve Jobs died, it was initially dubbed a disappointment, partly because it looked identical to its predecessor. But anticipation of its “Siri” voice software helped it set an online record in orders on Oct. 7.

iPhone 4S是在苹果董事会主席史蒂芬·乔布斯逝世前一天揭开神秘面纱的。起初iPhone 4S被业界认为是失望之作,部分是因为它与之前的苹果iPhone系列看起来外型一样。不过人们对iPhone 4S的 “Siri” 语音软件还是满怀期待之情,这也帮助iPhone 4S在10月7日创下了网络订单记录。

Along with the new iPhone, more than 25 million customers are using the iOS 5 mobile operating system, in the first five days of its release, and more than 20 million customers have signed up for its free cloud services, Apple said.

苹果公司表示,在新一代iPhone手机搭载的全新手机操作系统iOS 5正式推出的头5天内,超过2500万位用户选择进行系统升级,并有超过2000万的用户注册使用苹果提供的免费云服务。

The latest iPhone will be available in 22 more countries on Oct. 28 and more than 70 countries by the end of the year.

10月28日,另外22个国家的用户也可以买到最新的iPhone手机。到今年年底,iPhone 4S的发售国将超过70个。


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