A leading choreographer has accused Beyoncé of "stealing" dance moves, after the American singer launched her latest music video.
According to entertainment website AceShowbiz.com, choreography in the video for Beyoncé's new single Countdown, released last week, shows a number of similarities with work by the Belgian choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. Speaking to a Danish blog, De Keersmaeker said she had not been asked permission: "I didn't know anything about this. I'm not mad, but this is plagiarism."
Beyoncé has not responded to the allegations, but her co-director, Adria Petty, has previously spoken about showing the singer footage of European contemporary dance for inspiration. She told MTV News: "I brought Beyoncé a number or references and we picked some out together. Most were German modern dance references, believe it or not."
It is the second time Beyoncé has been accused of plagiarism this year, after choreography and visual effects for her performance of Run the World (Girls) at the Billboard Music awards in May was likened to one by Lorella Cuccarini. In that instance, Beyoncé subsequently admitted having been inspired by Cuccarini.
碧昂斯并未回应此事,但是她的MV导演Adria Petty早前就透露灵感源自欧洲现代舞,并称和碧昂斯一起参考挑选,大部分参考的是德国现代舞。
这位天后今年并非第一次被指抄袭。碧昂斯在今年的Billboard音乐大奖中,碧昂斯曾借鉴意大利流行歌手洛蕾拉·库卡里尼的表演,将其加入到《Run the World(Girls)》的表演中。事后,碧昂斯承认借鉴了洛蕾拉·库卡里尼的表演。
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