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发布时间:2019-07-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编



1. Diamond Fruitcake $1.65 million


The chef took about 6 months to design the cake and an entire month to finish it and have it ready to be sold. 223 small diamonds are located throughout the exterior of the cake. Except for the diamonds, the rest of the cake is fully edible。



2. Strawberries Arnaud $1.4 million


As we’ve all heard, things are not always what they seem, and this saying applies to the Strawberries Arnaud perfectly. You’ll find a one-of-a-kind 4.7-carat pink diamond among a bowl of strawberries topped with cream and mint. Not only do you get delicious strawberries and a nice ring, the dessert comes with white-glove servers who provide wine out of a wine set worth $24,850, and of course there’s live jazz music。

眼见并不为实,这句话用在这款草莓拼盘上再合适不过了。这款甜品是在一盆草莓上放点奶油和薄荷叶,但真正的主角是一颗4.7克拉的粉红色钻戒! 吃的时候由一位戴着白手套的侍者端上一瓶价值24850美元的红酒,爵士乐队还会在旁伴奏。


3. Platinum Cake $130,000


Created by a Japanese pastry chef named Nobue Ikara, the Platinum Cake rings in at the tiny price of $130,000, and is any platinum lover’s dream. The cake is decorated with plain white frosting and then draped with everything platinum, including chains, necklaces, pins, pendants, and evenfoils made of platinum that are edible。

这款铂金蛋糕是由日本糕点大师Nobue Ikara设计制作的,售价仅为130,000美元,这一款甜品可以说是圆了铂金狂热者的梦。蛋糕主体上覆盖的是纯白的糖霜,除此之外的装饰物全部为铂金,包括铂金小链条、铂金项链、铂金别针、铂金垂饰,就连其他的一些小陪衬物都是铂金的,而这些铂金装饰都可能食用的。


4. Frozen Haute Chocolate $25,000


The Frozen Haute Chocolate is definitely a drink that no one will ever forget. At the price of $25,000, you can enjoy the frozen drink with theconsistency of a slushy that contains a variety of cocoas from over 14 countries, milk, and of course 5 grams of 24-carat. To ensure your money’s worth, the “Haute” cold dessert comes in a goblet that is banded with gold and decorated with diamonds: 1 carat of them, along with a take-home golden spoon。



5. The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence $14,500


They say food presentation is very important, and when it comes to the Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence, there is no doubt. In Sri Lanka, stilt fishing has become a very popular tradition that has been around for decades. The dessert pays special tribute to this pastime by portraying a stilt fishing scene made of delicious ingredients, including chocolate, exoticfruit, and Irish cream. It portrays a fisherman, carved out of chocolate, hanging onto the stilt. Underneath the fisherman is a perfectly placed 80 carat aquamarine. Those who order the dessert get to keep the jewel, but as of now, no one has forked out the money。



6. Macaroons Haute Couture $7,414


Macaroons aren’t too hard to find in today’s world. They are simply twomeringue puffs that are held together with butter cream. They are most popular in France, and you can usually find them for a reasonable price for such a tasty dessert. However, French pastry chef, Pierre Herme, has cooked up a new and more expensive type of macaroons. The price tag at $7,414 definitely makes these macaroons not as attractive to everyone as the original recipe. Herme says that he offers a large variety of ingredients that have elevated the costs. A customer is able to choose ingredients such as balsamic vinegar, red wine, peanut butter, and anything else you can think of putting between your two meringue puffs。

现在,蛋白杏仁饼干还是比较常见的,不就是两块糕饼,中间夹上奶油一类的东西,这种点心在法国很受欢迎,好吃又便宜。但是法国的糕饼大师Pierre Herme却制作出了一个新品种的蛋白杏仁饼,价格贵得出奇,标价7,414美元,因此很多人望而却步。Herme解释说,他的这种蛋白杏仁饼有多种口味,包括甜醋、红葡萄酒、花生酱等等,你能想到的,几乎都有,因此才开出了如此的高价。


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