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发布时间:2019-07-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Google's executive chairman has denied that the company fixes its search results to promote its own websites and services. 谷歌执行董事长否认公司为推广自己的网站和服务而修改搜索结果。

Eric Schmidt told a congressional hearing in Washington: "May I simply say that I can assure you we're not cooking anything." 埃里克·施密特在华盛顿参议院听证会上表示:“我可以简单地说,我保证谷歌没有修改任何搜索结果。”

The Senate Judiciary subcommittee on anti-trust is looking at whether Google abuses its market position. 美国参议院司法委员会反垄断小组委员会目前正在调查谷歌是否利用其市场地位打压竞争对手。

The US Federal Trade Commission is also investigating the same issue. 美国联邦贸易委员会也正在调查这一事件。

The website search giant faces a further continuing investigation by the European Commission. 网站搜索巨头谷歌还将面临欧洲委员会的一系列深入调查。

Mr. Schmidt told the senators: "Google does nothing to block access to any of the competitors and other sources of information." 施密特向参议员表示,谷歌没有采取任何手段来阻止访问任何竞争者或其他消息来源。

When asked whether Google was a monopoly company, Mr Schmidt said the search engine giant was "in that area", adding that it recognized it had a special responsibility because of its market power. 当被问到谷歌是否是垄断公司时,施密特表示谷歌是搜索引擎行业的领头羊,也由于拥有强大市场力,谷歌认识到一份特别的责任。

In reference to software giant Microsoft - which faced years of anti-competition investigations and subsequent fines - Mr Schmidt said: "We get it. By that I mean, we get the lessons of our corporate predecessors." 施密特提到软件行业巨头微软面临长期的反竞争调查和罚款的例子,表示谷歌从行业前辈的教训中学到了经验。

Concern over Google's domination of the internet search - it has a global market share of about two-thirds - has grown as the company continues to expand into other internet areas, such as its own price comparison website and buying US mobile phone firm Motorola Mobility. 谷歌占据了搜索引擎行业全球市场份额的三分之二,统治地位不容小觑。随着谷歌公司开始进军其他互联网领域,其他公司对谷歌的霸主地位的担忧也日渐增长。谷歌开发了自己的价格比较网站,另外还买下了美国移动电话公司摩托罗拉。

Sen Michael Lee of Utah said that Google's market dominance gave it an "unnatural and extraordinary advantage", and it had a "clear and inherent conflict of interest". 犹他州参议员迈克·李表示,谷歌公司的市场统治地位给予了其“不同常理却又得天独厚的优势”,同时也给予了“明显的内在利益冲突”。

Mr Schmidt was chief executive of Google for 10 years until April, when he was replaced by Larry Page, one of the company's two founders. 施密特担任了谷歌10年的首席执行官,今年四月份卸任。接替其位置的是公司创始人之一的拉里·佩奇。


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