1. Relaxing Rituals to Rest Easy
In Chinese Medicine, nighttime is yin time—or, simply, when the body takes care of itself instead of your desires. Proper sleep is required for your body to repair itself and regenerate. To reach deep, restful sleep, your spirit and heart must be calm. Excessive worry, anxiety, and depression can all disturb the spirit and activate the mind—making it near impossible to fall asleep and stay asleep. Rituals to sooth your spirit and induce a sleep response before bed include soaking your feet in Epson salts for 15 minutes, writing all of your thoughts in a journal to get them out of your head, and practicing relaxation before bed, like the Stress Release meditation below.
2. When Food Disturbs Sleep
When you eat late, you wake up tired. Your body will be busy digesting your dinner while you are trying to sleep, so you won't feel rested in the morning. Do not eat anything for at least three hours before bedtime. Also, cut back on eating bacon, cheese, chocolate, ham, potatoes, tomatoes, and sausage, especially before bed. These foods contain tyramine, which inhibits neurochemicals like norepinephrine and can cause insomnia. And, of course if you have sleep problems, caffeine should be cut out.
Eat for sleep! Try eating more grains at dinner; carbohydrates tend to make people sleepy. Another snooze snack is a warm cup of milk; because milk is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, it can sometimes aid in deep sleep. Mix in natural vanilla flavoring for a soothing snack. Or if you prefer, eat 1 cup of natural yogurt an hour before bedtime.
3. A Peaceful Place for Sleep
Your sleeping environment makes a huge difference to the quality of your sleep. Do everything you can to create a quiet and cozy atmosphere. Ideally, your bedroom should be located in the quietest area of your home. Keep the décor minimal. Lighting should be dim and any music that is played should be soothing. Research has found that lavender, vanilla, and green apple are among the best scents to help lower anxiety and induce sleep, making these smells a good choice for a scented candle or heated essential oil. Try to limit your pets to outside of the bedroom because their movements will keep with your body from fully relaxing into deep R. E. M. sleep. As much as possible, your bedroom should be only for sleep.
睡眠环境对你的睡眠质量有很大的影响。尽一切所能,为自己营造一个安静和舒适的环境。最理想的情况就是,你的卧室应该坐落在你家中最安静的地方。家居饰品越简单越好。灯光要柔和,你所播放的音乐要舒缓。研究表明,薰衣草、香草和青苹果的气味有助于缓解焦虑并能激发你的睡意,所以使用此类的香氛蜡烛和精油是个不错的选择。不要让宠物呆在你的卧室内,因为它们的小动静会干扰你从身心放松的状态过度到深度R. E. M.睡眠。尽可能地让你的卧室成为只供你睡觉的地方。
4. Exercise Enables Sleep
People with regular exercise routines often sleep better and have fewer incidents of insomnia than those don't get regular physical activity. Exercise promotes sleep and improves sleep quality by altering brain chemistry. Exercising moderately for 20 to 30 minutes three times a day, combined with meditation or tai chi in the evening, will not only help you fall and stay asleep, but will also increase the amount of time you spend in R.E.M. sleep. In fact, for some people, exercise alone is enough to overcome sleep problems. Exercise in the morning or afternoon, but do not exercise for at least two hours before bed.
那些有日常锻炼习惯的人通常会有较好的睡眠,而且和那些没有定期锻炼习惯的人来说,他们很少有失眠的状况。锻炼有助于睡眠,它让大脑产生有益的化学物质改善睡眠。每天花20到30分钟的时间适度地锻炼三次,同时在晚上做会儿冥想或太极,不仅会让你快速入睡,而且还会增加你处在 R.E.M.睡眠中的时间。事实上,对许多人来说,仅仅依靠锻炼就可以解决所以的睡眠问题。早晨下午都可以去做锻炼,但不要在睡觉前两个小时内去做运动。
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