This week,bones from Australopithecus Sediba are unveiled at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.
Scientists believe their fossilised skeletons show they could be our direct ancestors, the long-sought ‘missing link’ between apes and humans. Now new details about it make it clear our ancient relative displayed both primitive characteristics as well as more modern, human-like traits.、
Au. sediba hit the headlines last year after a scientist's nine-year-old son found the partial skeleton of a 60lb 10 to 13-year-old male during a dig at a site known as Malapa.
This time, two primitive ape-like creatures, believed to be a mother and her young son. Further exploration led to the discovery of the remains for an adult female in her late 20s or early 30s weighing around 73lb.
The latest research sheds new light on the creature which include descriptions of the most complete hand, one of the more complete pelvises ever discovered and brand new pieces of the foot and ankle.
Au. sediba, walked on two legs and had hips similar to ours, but still retained a few more primitive features, such as longer arms and a smaller brain.
Until now, fossils dated to 1.9million years ago - and mostly attributed to Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis - have been undisputed considered ancestral to Homo erectus. But, the older age of these Au. sediba fossils raises the possibility of a separate, older lineage from which Homo erectus may have evolved.
Researchers took a look at the partial skull of the juvenile and made a detailed scan of the space where its brain would have been.
Dr Kristian Carlson said: “The actual brain residing within a cranium does not fossilise. By studying the impressions on the inside of a cranium, palaeontologists have an opportunity to estimate what the surface of a brain may have looked like and estimate the size of a brain.”
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