People who show-off in public, taking wild risks they would never dream of taking when on their own, are driven to do so by their brain chemistry, a new study has shown.
Researchers from the University of Southern California believe they have proved that nature, not nurture, is what drives some of us to take stupid chances in social situations.
The team found that the striatum, which forms part of the brain's reward centre, and the medial prefrontal cortex, which affects our reasoning, become more far active when we are amongst our peers.
Participants in the study were entered into lotteries and were found to display far higher brain activity in these regions when they beat a peer compared to when they simply won alone.
The participants who won within a social setting then went on to take greater risks, displaying more competitive behavior in the following lotteries.
Georgio Coricelli of the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, who led the study, said: "These findings suggest that the brain is equipped with the ability to detect and encode social signals, make social signals saliently, and then use these signals."
负责该研究的南加利福尼亚文理学院的乔治阿 科里切利说:“这些发现表明,人脑有察觉和编码社会信号的能力,它使社会信号变得更显著进而采用这些信号。”
And he believes that a winner-takes-all mentality in group environment may spur this phenomenon.
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