1. His sister is a novelist, but he didn't know it until he was an adult.
直到成年后,乔布斯才知道自己有个小说家妹妹(叫Mona Simpson)。
2. The one requirement his biological parents had was that he be adopted by two college educated people. But the couple that adopted him lied at first and turned out not to be college educated (the mom was not a high school graduate) so the deal almost fell through until they promised to send Steve to college.
3. He denied paternity on his first child, claiming he was sterile.Like father, like son. But people change, mature, grow up. Eventually Jobs became a good father.
4. He's a pescetarian. In other words, he eats fish but no other meat.
5. He doesn't give any money to charity. And when he became Apple's CEO he stopped all of their philanthropic programs. He said, "wait until we are profitable".
6. He's a Zen Buddhist. He even thought about joining a monastery and becoming a monk.
7. He didn't go to college. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are the famous college dropouts that I knew about. But apparently Steve Jobs went to Reed College for one semester and then dropped out.
7. 乔布斯也没读完大学。比尔·盖茨、马克·扎克伯格从大学退学的有名事迹我知道,但是其实乔布斯在里德学院读了一个学期大学之后也退学了。
上一篇: 明月几时有:苏轼仙逝910周年
下一篇: 一个时代的终结:苹果CEO乔布斯辞职