Everyone has a gift, even the person you think is a total bum. Look at what Harry’s aunt and uncle ended up discovering about him!
Revenge tends to only make you look bad. Harry may at times have tried to get his icky cousin into trouble, but it always backfired.
People may be following your progress (or your example) even if you don’t know it. Harry had no idea that so many people were interested in how he was doing before he headed out to Hogwarts for the first time.
Fame may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Harry Potter arrived at Hogwarts with a reputation already in place. While it may have paid off in some ways, it also attracted the envy and negative attention of boys like Malfoy.
People are complicated and it’s difficult to see all of their soul in one fell swoop. At first, Hermione seemed like a very uptight show-off. It took a long time for Harry and others to see what a good heart she had.
It’s easy to be a rival. It’s difficult to be a compassionate rival.
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