Chewing your food for longer may help you lose weight, scientists have suggested. Munching on each mouthful for longer significantly reduces the amount of calories consumed during a meal, a study found. Volunteers who chewed each mouthful 40 times ate 12 per cent less food than those who chewed just 15 times. It is thought chewing for longer prevents over-eating by giving the brain more time to receive signals from the stomach that it is full. 不用再花钱请私人健身教练,不必再吞下昂贵的减肥产品,专家近日调查得出结论:咀嚼食物时间长,可以达到非常好的减肥效果。专家称,长时间的咀嚼食物可以相当程度地降低食物中的卡路里含量,数字现实,每次咀嚼食物达到40下,相对每次咀嚼食物仅仅为15下的情况,卡路里能减少12%。此外,还有一种说法,咀嚼的时间越长,留给大脑思考的时间就会越多,人们会时刻意识到:哦,差不多了,胃快要到达极限了,还是停下来吧!
It also appears to lower levels of ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone’, circulating in the digestive system. Researchers at Harbin Medical University in China recruited 16 slim men and 14 obese men in their late teens or twenties and carried out two experiments. In the first, they wanted to see if the obese men chewed their food differently to their lean rivals.
In a report on their findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers said eating more slowly could be a simple and effective way of tackling weight problems. They said: ‘Research indicates eating quickly, gorging and binge eating have a substantial effect on being overweight.‘Our results showed obese participants chewed less and ingested more quickly than lean ones. ‘
A survey of 1,000 people last year by the sandwich chain Subway showed the average person in Britain chews their food just six times before swallowing it. Young, busy professionals in the 25-34 age group were the worst culprits.
The same survey found 15 per cent of people regularly ate a meal while walking and only half routinely sit down to eat at a table.
Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George’s Hospital, London, said although eating more slowly may have some effect on gut hormone levels, the benefits are more likely psychological.‘When you gulp down your food, you don’t realise you’re eating so much.‘But chewing for longer makes you more likely to notice the taste, smell and texture, which makes you more aware of what you’re eating and how much. ‘As a result, you’re less likely to feel hungry again ten minutes later.’
专家Catherine Collins觉得慢慢吃饭不仅仅对减肥有显著疗效,而且还对心理良好的调节作用,她说:“慢慢吃可以让你体味到食物的细节,比如说材质、味道以及口感等等,吃饭不再仅仅是填饱肚子而已,而变成了一种享受。”
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