Life on Earth may have its origins in outer space, according to Nasa research. 根据美国航天宇航局Nasa的研究称,地球上的生命体可能是来源于外层空间。
Scientists have analysed meteorites that formed billions of years ago before falling to Earth.
The carbon-rich fragments were found to contain chemicals similar to one of the key components of DNA, the building blocks of life.
Tests show that the presence of these chemicals cannot be explained away by Earthly contamination, suggesting DNA’s origins may lie in outer space.
The find comes from U.S. scientists, predominantly Nasa researchers, who analysed the chemical make-up of 12 meteorites.
Writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers said their find has ‘far-reaching implications’.
The study’s lead author, Dr Michael Callahan, of the Nasa Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland, said: ‘With meteorites and comets impacting the early Earth, it appears that they did deliver some very important ingredients.’
研究论文的主笔,就职于美国马里兰州美国国家航空航天局戈达德太空飞行中心的Michael Callahan教授说:“陨石和彗星对于早期的地球产生了影响,现在看来这些‘天外来客’(为生命体的出现)运送来了某些至关重要的成分物质。”
Previous studies found meteorites harbour the other two of the three basic ingredients of life.
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