They have become the must-have gadgets of the decade, revolutionising how we access information on the move. But smartphones have turned Britain into a nation of mobile addicts, research shows. Regulator Ofcom found that 60 per cent of teenagers and more than a third of adults are ‘highly addicted’ to using their mobile phones. 冯小刚导演的作品《手机》在N年前就以冯氏幽默来告诉众人手机的重要性,10年来,从砖头型的大哥大开始到小巧的掌中宝,然后到如今铺天盖地的智能手机iphone第一代、第二代...第四代。冯导告诉我们手机作为一种探听隐私工具会逐渐在老百姓的社交生活中占领显著位置,而专家称,英国人频繁使用手机逐渐患上了“手机狂躁综合症”,据悉,有60%的青少年与30%的成年人患上“手机狂躁综合症”,手机在生活中的位置异常偏大。
A quarter of adults questioned said they use their phones during meal times Around a fifth of teenagers and adults said they use their phones where they have been told not to, such as in libraries. Even the bathroom and toilet are no longer off limits, with 22 per cent of adults and half the teenagers polled admitting they use their phones there. Half of those now sold were smartphones, such as iPhones, BlackBerries or Androids.
These devices allow consumers to make calls, text, access their emails and use social networking sites and the internet on the move. They can also be used to take, store and share pictures and videos and to download music and video clips. Office workers have long dubbed such phones ‘crackberries’, after the BlackBerry smartphone, because of the addictive pull of checking emails at all hours.
James Thickett, Ofcom director of market research, said the phones were ‘changing social etiquette’. He said: ‘Technology is now driving our values. ‘It is not just children answering the phone in theatres or libraries. It is adults as well. ‘People are looking at smartphones as something that provides for their every technological need. They are blurring the boundaries between work and home.’
市场调研员James Thickett称手机改变了社会传统礼节,他说:“科技改变了我们的价值观,传统的价值观遭到前所未有的颠覆,比如说,在图书馆接电话不再是可耻的。智能手机模糊了家庭与工作的界限,这是一个可怕的趋势,要引起重视才可以。”
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