Smoking, drinking and eating fast food will not stop you living to a ripe old age – if you have the right genes. A study of hundreds of centenarians revealed they were just as likely to have vices as other people – and in some cases they indulged in them more. Some of them had smoked for 85 years, others got through more than two packets of cigarettes a day. They also exercised less than their shorter-lived counterparts but were less likely to become obese. 各种千奇百怪的养生方法层出不穷,各种所谓的养生大师、养生达人们电视受访谈论如何保健、各种健身馆打着所谓国外印度瑜伽或者私人教练的旗号赚足了渴望健康民众的银子。都说改掉不良的生活习惯,比如吸烟、酗酒、吃垃圾食品等,就能活得时间更长。然而最新资料显示,长命百岁和健康的生活习惯毫无关系,活得长,还得靠基因,一切由基因来决定。经过对上百名百岁老人调查后竟然发现,有一些老人竟然烟龄已达85年,有一些老人一直以每天2包烟的速度消磨时间,有一些百岁老人竟然从不锻炼身体,但是良好的基因决定了他们怎么吃都不会发胖的体质。
The bad news is it is almost impossible to be sure if you are one of the lucky few blessed with the longevity genes. This means, say the American researchers, that there is no excuse for not taking care of your health.
Almost 500 men and women aged between 95 and 109 were asked about how they had lived their lives for the study. The study of 500 men and women aged between 95 and 109 found they were more likely to have smoked and drunk
But this was far from the case, the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reported. The long-lived men and women were no more likely to have dieted than the others and were more likely to have smoked and drunk.
Researcher Nir Barzilai, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, said: ‘This study suggests centenarians may possess additional longevity genes that help to buffer them against the harmful effects of an unhealthy lifestyle.’
来自阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的大学的研究员Nir Barzilai说:“研究证明百岁老人因拥有相对优质的基因,这些基因能帮助他们抵抗不健康生活方式对健康造成的不良影响。”
But most of us will not be so lucky. He added: ‘Although this study demonstrates centenarians can be obese, smoke and avoid exercise, these lifestyle habits are not good choices for most of us who do not have a family history of longevity.’
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