When graduate school entrance exam scores are released every year at this time, many romantic relationships take a hit. Lovers considering different locales for work or study must make some tough choices – beginning with whether or not to break up.
The moment that Fang Yunxia, a 22-year-old English major from a university in Nanchang, learned that she had been awarded a second interview at Peking University, she shed tears of joy. While she was imagining new life on her future campus, a congratulations call from her boyfriend pulled her back to reality: She was in a committed relationship with someone who is unlikely to follow her to Beijing.
So she sent him a message that read, simply: “We need to talk.”
Although the two did not break up right away, they knew their two-year relationship had come to an end. “We are still seeing each other, but things have changed. We don’t talk about the future,” said Fang. “And we sigh a lot.”
Hang in there - or not 坚持或放弃
According to Yuan Ruiyin, a Taiyuan-based campus relationship consultant, students facing the possibility of a long-distance relationship should show more perseverance and commitment.
“If one is going to live in another place, the other should go with him or her if the relationship is serious,” said Yuan. “To give up when thinking of a coming difficulty is immature.”
Yuan does note, however, that if one person suddenly has a change of heart it’s likely the relationship will never survive a crisis.
Yang Mou, a 21-year-old management major at Wuhan University of Science and Technology, applied for the same Shanghai graduate school as his girlfriend. But the results were cruel: She got in; he didn’t.
Although they spent more than six months studying together in the same classroom and grew their relationship during “the most difficult of times”, their ties began to fall apart with the news. Yang noticed that his girlfriend was changing. When they argued, she refused to back down. He says she talked in a cocky manner and began telling him, “I think I deserve better.”
Recently, she told him she was ready for a new chapter in her life. “I was hurt,” said Yang. “How can one exam change so much?” In his girlfriend’s eyes, Yang says, she is the successful one and he’s a “loser”.
Follow your heart 追随真心
Liu Qiang, of the Henan University student affairs office, says that a change in career or study can be a major threat to any relationship.
“When one partner is looking toward a new horizon, there will be conflict if the other puts their attention elsewhere,” says Liu. “This is a common problem – especially when the relationship is not mature.”
Yang says he cannot forgive his girlfriend for what she has done to him, but, according to Liu, he should go a little easier on his ex.
“Graduation can be hard – it’s not a sin for someone to think about him or herself a bit more,” says Liu. He recommends that all student couples to bear one thing in mind: “Love is never a matter of calculation; sometimes following your instincts will lead you to the right answer.”