Our frozen ancestors of the Ice Age needed plenty of fat in their diets to keep warm – and it seems we might still be carrying their genetic torch. 在遥远而又寒冷的冰河时期,我们的祖先需要从食物中获取大量的脂肪,以用来保持温暖,不过生活在现代社会的人们似乎依旧继承者祖先们的这一遗传基因。
For British scientists have discovered a DNA switch in the brain that they believe makes Europeans far more likely to binge on fatty food than those living in the East.
The researchers from Aberdeen University made their discovery after comparing the DNA of people with the genetic code of birds and mice.
They found a switch – a piece of DNA that turns genes on or off within cells – which controls the galanin gene.
This gene is switched on in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus and regulates appetite and thirst.
The switch comes in different varieties. A weaker version was found in 16 per cent of Europeans – compared with 30 per cent of Asians studied.
Dr Alasdair MacKenzie, who led the study, published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, said: ‘The switch controls the area of the brain which allows us to select which foods we would like to eat and if it is turned on too strongly we are more likely to crave fatty foods.
主要这项研究的Alasdair MacKenzie博士说:“这项‘开关’控制着大脑的某个区域,这个区域让我们选择了自己喜欢吃的食物,如果‘开关’开启过于强烈,我们则更倾向于喜爱高热量高脂肪的食物。”
‘The fact that the weaker switch is found more frequently in Asians compared with Europeans suggests they are less inclined to select such options.
‘These results give us a glimpse into early European life. A preference for food with a higher fat content would have been important for survival.
'The negative effects of fat and alcohol we see today would not have mattered so much then as life expectancies were between 30 and 40 years.'
The researchers say the study could pave the way for obesity treatments.
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