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发布时间:2019-07-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The well-publicised health benefits of dark chocolate have given many chocolate lovers an added reason to indulge in recent years. 近些年来,黑巧克力对于健康的益处被广泛宣传,这让了巧克力的爱好者有了正大光明的理由,肆无忌惮的成迷其中。

Sales have doubled in the past five years and are worth ?85 million a year in Britain alone. Conveniently forgotten, however, is the fact that a bar of dark chocolate still contains high volumes of fat and sugar.


So how do you enjoy the health benefits of cocoa without the worry of an expanding waistline?


Raw-food expert and nutritionist Jessica Fenton says the answer lies in the unadulterated beans of the cacao pod. This, she says, is the real superfood, and it is quite different from its foil-wrapped relative.

食品原材料专家Jessica Fenton表示,黑巧克力健康但又不发胖的关键在于纯正的可可豆荚。她说,真正的黑巧克力与那些由铝箔纸所包装的类似的产品还是有很大的区别的。

Cacao pods, which grow on trees, originated in Central and South America. Ancient South American civilisations prized them so much for their medicinal and aphrodisiacal properties, they even used them as currency.


'The modern manufacturing process for chocolate bars involves firstly harvesting the pods, which contain seeds known as cocoa beans,' explains Fenton.


'The pods are crushed and the beans and surrounding pulp extracted, fermented, then dried – either naturally by the sun or mechanically in a factory.


'The dried beans are then roasted, in a similar way to coffee beans. The length of roasting depends on the type and size of the beans, to form cocoa, which is mixed with sugar and fats to form chocolate.


'Raw cocoa beans, on the other hand, are fermented and dried but not roasted, which preserves their antioxidant content.'


Dr Sarah Schenker, a registered dietician from the Nutrition Society, says: 'The lower levels of antioxidants in dark chocolate result from the effect of high heat during roasting.

营养学会注册营养师Sarah Schenker说:“烘焙过程中的高温会降低黑巧克力的抗氧化成分。”

'This process removes micronutrients that often have antioxidant properties and other health benefits.'


Antioxidants – found in all fruit, vegetables, herbs and seeds in varying levels – are important because they neutralise molecules called free radicals.


Free radicals are generated by external factors such as sun exposure, pollution and cigarette smoke but are also produced by the body during various metabolic processes, or in response to infection to kill viruses. These molecules can damage healthy body tissue, and antioxidants neutralise them.


Studies have shown antioxidants consumed in the diet can help protect against everything from heart disease to cancers.


Raw cacao powder has nearly four times the antioxidant content of regular dark chocolate, 20 times more than blueberries and 119 times more than bananas.


And cacao does more than boost antioxidant levels – studies have shown that it contains a third more essential nutrients than traditional roasted cocoa. Cacao contains protein, calcium, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium and sulphur.


It is a source of phenethylamine (PEA), a naturally occurring chemical released by our brains in large quantities when we are in love. A study carried out by the University of Maryland showed that PEA is beneficial for depression.


It also contains anandamide, a compound that causes feelings of relaxation and satisfaction.



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