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发布时间:2019-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

With mushroom dust, caviar and creme fraiche topping, it has an ingredient list fit for a Michelin star restaurant. And at $80, a Massachusetts baseball stadium's new hot dog certainly has a price tag to match. The new 'McMullen Dog' at Brockton Roxstadium is vying for the title of world's most expensive hot dog after going on sale last Saturday. 热狗作为一种“便宜”“便携”的大众快餐食品深得民众的喜爱,然而一向以“划算”著称的热狗近日也登上了头版头条,只不过,这一次顶的是“奢华”的头衔。据悉,一个含有全球闻名、历史悠久的为这些艺术家及他们的创作场所—餐厅的权威鉴定的机构:奢华餐馆“米其林”“秘密配方”售价为80美元,里面夹层为蘑菇、鱼子酱以及鲜奶油等昂贵料理做配料的热狗在马萨诸萨州棒球场上诞生,据估计此热狗有望获得世界上最奢华热狗称号。

While box seats at the modest club go for a mere $15, the monster dog is set to prove a hit with the punters according to food and beverage manager Sander Stotland.Pointing to the hot dogs deep fried authenticity, he told The Enterprise that the fancy snack will still deliver that familiar ball park taste. He said: 'It's a cross of the redneck meets the rich and famous.'

出于惯性,大家总有一个“球场上卖的热狗更好吃”的心理,区别与普通球场所售热狗的15美元售价,这个所谓的“天价热狗”得到了当地负责球场食品供应的经理Sander Stotland的认同,他认为80美元的天价热狗食料丰富,物超所值,他说道:“这个热狗是球场传统气氛熏陶下的打着平民标签的普通热狗与奢华、高端这些词语的有机结合。”

According to Mr Scotland the McMullen Dog - named after Atlantic City chef Ryan McMullen who came up with the idea - features a half-pound all-beef sausage rolled in truffle oil, coated with the dust of pulverised porcini mushrooms and topped with white truffle shavings.

据悉,这个天价热狗的名字the McMullen Dog 是来自亚特兰大的厨师Ryan McMullen的创意而得出,厨师Ryan McMullen制作这个天价热狗时采用了全牛肉香肠搭配昂贵的松露油(松露(法语:Truffe)是一种蕈类的总称,分类为子囊菌门西洋松露科西洋松露属(学名:Tuber),大约有10种不同的品种。松露多数在阔叶树的根部着丝生长,散布于树底120~150厘米方圆,块状主体藏于地下5~40厘米。松露对生长环境的要求极其苛刻,造成了它的珍稀昂贵。)、牛肝菌(牛肝菌类是牛肝菌科和松塔牛肝菌科等真菌的统称,其中除少数品种有毒或味苦而不能食用外,大部分品种均可食用。主要有白、黄、黑牛肝菌。白牛肝菌味道鲜美,营养丰富。)、以及鲜奶油、鱼子酱等材料合理搭配而成,口感自然比普通热狗甚好。

The dog should have no problem achieving world record status, as the previous holder - the Foot Long Haute Dog served at New York's Serendipity 3 - costs a mere $69.



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