英国妇女打扮时尚 母女酷似姐妹-查字典英语网
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英国妇女打扮时尚 母女酷似姐妹

发布时间:2019-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Carole Middleton, Sarah Ferguson and Demi Moore could often be mistaken for their daughters. From their trendy clothing to their groomed tressesthe similarities are uncanny.

人们常把卡罗尔 米德尔顿、莎拉 菲戈斯、黛米 摩尔误认成她们的女儿。不管是她们时尚流行的穿着,还是精心修饰的长发,都和女儿们有惊人的相似。

Now a study confirms that mothers today look to their daughters for fashion and beauty inspiration.


Researchers from Temple University, Philadelphia also say that children - although they might appear to act older than their years - are far less likely to take style notes from their parents.


Coined as 'reverse socialisation', many middle-aged women are becoming 'consumer dopplegangers' striving to regain their youthful appearance as they buy into the same products as their offspring.


Journalist Amanda Platell commented that it is a pattern that has become more noticable in recent years, with high fashion becoming more accessible on the high street.

记者阿曼达 普莱特尔评论道,最近这些年来,人们从商业街上能更容易地买到各种高级时装,这种行为模式也越来越引人注意。

'The trend for good-looking mothers to compete with their daughters in the glamour stakesseems to be creeping into all sections of society.


'It’s known as the 15/50 phenomenon — because the woman may look like a teenager from behind, but she is decidedly middle-aged from the front.'


Researchers questioned 343 mother and daughter pairings, with an average age of 44 for mums and 16 for the daughter.


It discovered that if a mum is young at heart and fashion conscious she is more likely to view her daughter as a style expert and copy her.


Dr Ayalla Ruvio, of Temple University, Philadelphia, said: 'This finding provides initial support for the notion of reverse socialization and suggests that the impact adolescents have on their parents is much more profound than has been credited to them.'

费城天普大学的阿亚拉 卢维欧博士说:“这一研究结果为逆社会化概念提供了初步的支持,它表明,青少年对其父母的影响,远比人们之前认为的更加深远。”


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