Micro Pics 小小猪
Have you ever wanted to own a pig but found the prospect of living with a 250-lb. (110 kg) hog to be too much of a commitment? Well, then the micro-pig is for you. The adorable little porkers start out at less than a pound and grow to weigh somewhere between 40 lb. and 70 lb. (18 kg and 30 kg) as adults. They don't shed and can be trained to use a litter box.
The Finger Monkey 手指猴
The pygmy marmoset or dwarf monkey or finger monkey is a New World monkey native to the rainforest canopies of western Brazil. It is one of the smallest primates, and the smallest true monkey, with its body length ranging from 14 to 16 centimetres.
Miniature Horse 微型马
When they were born they weighed less than a cat and stood no taller than a cereal box. Miniature horses are found in many nations, particularly in Europe and the Americas. The designation of miniature horse is determined by the height of the animal, which, depending on the particular breed registry involved, is usually less than 34–38 inches (86–97 cm).
Panda Cow 熊猫牛
A proud Colorado farmer has bred a rare cross-breed miniature cow. There are only 24 such animals in the world, and they can fetch up to $30,000 each.The breed originated on the Washington farm of Richard Gradwohl, who created it after 44 years of genetic manipulation.
Minifox or Fennec Fox 迷你狐又称大耳小狐
The fennec fox is the smallest of all the world’s foxes, but its large ears, measuring 6 inches (15 centimeters), appear to be on loan from a bigger relative.They have huge, bat-like ears to radiate body heat and help them keep cool in the Sahara heat. They also have long, thick fur that insulates them during the cold desert nights.
Dwarf Goat 矮山羊
Nigerian Dwarf goat is a miniature dairy goat breed of West African ancestry. Originally brought to the United States on ships as food for large cats such as lions, the survivors originally lived in zoos. Nigerian Dwarf goats are popular as hobby goats due to their easy maintenance and small stature.
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