1. The Empire City. David Stravitz first printed this name in his photographic book titled New York, Empire City: 1920-1945. It represents New York City’s wealth and resources. First president George Washington saw New York as the “seat of empire”. 帝国城市:David Stravitz是第一个在他的出版画册当中将纽约叫做帝国城市的人;帝国城市:1920-1945。这个名字代表了纽约市的财富和资源。美国第一任总统乔治华盛顿把纽约称作“帝王之座”。 2. The Big Apple. Jazz musicians called New York City “the Big Apple” in the 1920s and 1930s. They got the term from a horse track worker who said where to a horserace in NYC was referred to as the Big Apple. 大苹果:爵士音乐家在20年代和30年代把纽约称作“大苹果”,他们主要是从那些马道工作者口中得知当他们在谈论纽约马赛的时候总是说纽约市大苹果。
3. The City that Never Sleeps. A New York City nickname popularized from lyrics in the song “New York, New York” by the one and only Frank Sinatra. 不眠之城:纽约的这个名字来自于Frank Sinatra的歌词:纽约,纽约。
4. World’s Biggest Urban Playground. NYC was named this because immigrant children played stickball throughout the New York Streets in the 1930s. 全球最大的城市运动场:纽约之所以会有这个绰号是因为在30年代的时候那些移民来的小孩在纽约的各个街头打曲棍球。
5. The Melting Pot. The term Melting Pot was first used in publication by Israel Zangwill in his play adapted from Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet titled The Melting Pot in 1908. 大熔炉:这个词汇最早被用到是在Israel Zangwill的戏剧当中,他从莎士比亚1908年的Romeo & Juliet当中截取了这个词。
6. Manhattan. Manhattan was the nickname used by the Algonquin Indians when the island was first settled by the Dutch in the 1620s. The name Manhattan was quickly adopted by the settlers and today is the official name of the most famous borough. 曼哈顿:在1620年曼哈顿岛第一次被确定的时候,Algonquin Indians人引用了这个名字。随后这个名字迅速被当地人所认同,今天曼哈顿已经是最有名的行政区了。
7. The City of Skyscrapers. New York City has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world. Many NYC buildings have had the honor of tallest in the world at one point. 摩天楼之城:纽约市拥有比全球任何城市都更多的高楼大厦,很多纽约的大楼都曾经有世界最高的美称。
8. The Financial Hub. With Wall Street leading the charge, New York City is the financial capital of the world. Enough said. 世界金融中心:只要拥有华尔街,我们就可以说纽约就是全球的金融中心。
9. The Metropolis. Metropolis is the fictional name of the New York City clone in the comic book Superman. 大都会:这个名字来自于超人漫画,漫画中的主城是纽约的克隆。
10. Gotham / Gotham City. Batman and DC Comics took it from there. 高谭市:看过蝙蝠侠的筒子们一定都认识这个名字,它就来自于蝙蝠侠的漫画啦。
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