In light of news of Rupert Murdoch's goons hacking dead people's phones in England, you might be wondering about just how easy it is for people to snoop on your voice mail. It's very easy.
在Rupert Murdoch的英国公司雇员入侵死者电话的资讯轰炸下,你可能会感兴趣到底入侵一个人的手机去窃取语音信息有多容易,答案是非常容易。
CNET's Elinor Mills recruited hacker Kevin Mitnick for a demonstration, and within five minutes he dug up one of her old voicemails with a simple script that allowed him to pretend his phone was hers. And that was actually even more work than what the News of the World creeps did—they just guessed people's voicemail passwords or called up their phone companies and tricked them into resetting them to the default.
CNET的Elinor Mills请了Kevin Mitnick为大家做了个示范,他仅仅只用了5分钟就成功入侵了同事的语音信箱,使用的只是简单的程序代码,这段代码使他可以把自己伪装成手机的主人。但这都已经是比较有技术含量的工作了,默多克的雇员使用了更为无脑的方式完成窃取工作,他们猜测对方的手机信箱密码或者打电话去对方的公司,糊弄对方的同事重置了手机信箱的密码。
Phone hacking—or "phreaking"—used to be the electronic mischief-maker's favorite pursuit; maybe, after the NOTW scandal, phreaking will experience a resurgence? Though tapping into voice messages seems so quaint these days, just consider how much interesting information could probably be found on the average iPhone!
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