哈利波特终结版首映 赫敏伤感大哭-查字典英语网
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哈利波特终结版首映 赫敏伤感大哭

发布时间:2019-07-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The crowds had been gathering for days, and the red carpet was ready and waiting for the cast of Harry Potter to premiere their final film. And fans certainly were not left disappointed when Emma Watson arrived in Trafalgar Square looking simply magical. The 21-year-old actress brought the glamour in a floor-length tiered Oscar De La Renta ruffled gown, a dress that made her look like a fairytale princess. 7月7日,在伦敦King’sCross国王十字火车站旁,陪伴我们走了10多年的电影《哈利波特》举行了其全球资讯发布会,这部《哈利-波特与死亡圣器(下)》(Harry Potter and theDeathly Hallows: Part 2)在片中重要场景——现场汇集了来自世界各地共二百余名记者以及上千影迷还有影片的主演们:哈利波特、赫敏以及罗恩等,饰演影片中“赫敏”一角色的女演员艾玛·沃森小姐一席灰色童话梦幻纱裙现身,不负众望赢来了影迷们的一致好评。


But her smiles didn't last long as Emma and many of her co-stars broke down while paying tribute to the final film in the franchise, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part 2. The actress welled up as her co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint thanked fans and each other. As Rupert took his turn to speak, Emma couldn't contain her tears and the film's producer David Heyman offered her his shoulder to cry on.

然而“赫敏”的笑容并没持续很久,感性的艾玛在陪伴她成长了10年的电影落下帷幕的那一刻,用眼泪证明了她对这部电影“说再见”时的感伤,在首映会中,她抱着影片的制片人David Heyman“狂哭”,用眼泪“沾湿”制片人肩膀的镜头还被媒体收录其中,供全世界的影迷们一齐分享。

She clung onto him and in turn he gave her an affectionate kiss on the head, proving just how close the cast and crew members have become. Earlier the scene was very different and shortly after Emma's arrival on the red carpet Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, appeared looking dapper in grey suit and appeared to be overwhelmed by the response of the crowd.

眼见女主演艾玛·沃森在大众面前要崩溃,制片人David Heyman十分聪明的将头转向艾玛,并给予她深情一吻,可见剧组情深10年还真不是白过的。据悉,这场首映会号召力非凡,数天前就有从世界各地来的粉丝开始排队,他们必须获得安全人员发送的手环才可以入内,附近用铁网圈住,以维持秩序。。而伦敦气候也不是很理想,不时下着阵雨,气温不到摄氏15度,但数千粉丝热情不减,搭帐篷在广场上耐心等候。


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