Chaps, if you’re planning a summer getawaywith the lady in your life, be warned – the flights and hotels may be the cheapest part.
Women spend more on holiday outfits than trip
Chaps, if you’re planning a summer getawaywith the lady in your life, be warned – the flights and hotels may be the cheapest part.
Four out of five women over 50 spend more on their holiday clothes than on the trip itself, a study has found.
The research, by Which magazine, found that around 85 percent of women aged over 50 plan on spending over £1,000 on their entire summer holiday wardrobe, often more than they paid for the actual trip. The average holiday abroad costs £677 per person.
Research into 50-something women by online retailer also found that while 54 percent take up to 10 individual outfits, 96 percent crammed in five pairs of shoes into their jam-packedsuitcases.
A further 91 percent haul an average of five handbags with them on seven-day trip - yet 65 percent of ladies only wear half of what they pack.
The overpacking and excessive spending, according to adult psychologist, Susan Quilliam, is the need to boost confidence when hitting the beach or enjoying a night out.
成人心理学家苏珊 奎利姆说,往行李中放太多衣物和过度消费是因为女人们在去海滩或夜晚出游时需要借此来提升自己的自信心。
Regular BBC Woman's Hour psychologist Quilliam said: 'While mature women may effortlessly balance work and family life for 50 weeks of the year, when it comes to holidays even the most self-aware women may find their confidence slipping.
'Shedding layers and revealing what's underneath can make mature women feel vulnerable.
'Surrounded by tonedand tanned perfect beach bodies, a mature woman can lose confidence, making her feel insecure and unloved.
'It's clear from the findings that a woman's answer is very practical - to make sure that she has every advantage when it comes to what she wears on holiday.
'She needs clothes and accessories that flatter, show off her good points and make her feel great about herself.'
The research for was carried out online by One Poll in May 2011 amongst a panel resulting in 1,000 UK women over 50.
零售商isme.com的这一调查是由调查公司One Poll于2011年5月在网上开展的,调查对象涵盖了1000名年过五十的英国女性。
It found nearly half (48 percent) splurgeon more clothes while on their break as their own doesn't fit or 'isn't me', with one in three (36 percent) spending an additional £50 on new items while away from home.
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