Crystal Harris who?
While Hugh Hefner's ex-fiancée has been busy party hopping and frolicking poolside, the Playboy mogul, 85, has wasted no time lining up fresh lady loves.
Just a few days after calling his new "best girl" Anna Sophia Berglund, "one in a million," Hefner announced an additional gal pal, who he calls "darling."
在把这位名叫Anna Sophia Berglund的姑娘称作“万里挑一的”女朋友之后,赫夫又加了一位新好友,并叫她“亲爱的”。
"Shera[Bechard] is both our November 2011 Playmate & my new girlfriend," Hef Tweeted Monday to an inquiring follower.
Bechard, 27, is a Canada native who starred in the 2009 thriller Sweet Karma, playing a mute Russian girl.
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