Time often seems to fly past with the ticking hands of a clock — but this intriguing unveiled by Norwegian designer at the Milan Furniture Fair turns traditional time telling on its head.
随着指针滴答滴答地走动,时光在飞逝--但在米兰家具展上展出的由挪威设计师Siren Elise Wilhelmsen设计的一个名为"365 Knitting Clock "的有趣的时钟却颠覆了传统时钟的概念。
Wilhelmsen swapped numbers for wool yarns to visualize time in a new physical form that changes and develops as days pass — the clock will knit a 2 meter long scarf over the course of a year. The un-knitted thread is also placed on display as a sign of how much time is left of the current year.
Often products that create strong emotional attachments are more likely to survive in today’s throwaway society, and we think that the is a great example of multifunctional design that resonates with the passage of time.
在如今这个用后即丢的快销社会,能够唤起人们强烈的情感共鸣的产品往往更能够在竞争中胜出,我们认为365 Knitting Clock就一个能够让人感受时光流逝的很好的多功能设计典范。
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