Sometimes, your living space is less than ideal and leaves little room for necessities like cooking, but Liew Ann Lee’s Cookease solves this problem with ease. A compact cooking device and server in one, the Cookease is like having a portable kitchen.
很多时候,人们的生活空间局促,没有地方放置诸如厨具这样的家当,但是设计师Liew Ann Lee设计的一款名为Cookease的便当饭盒却轻松地解决了这个问题。诸多烹饪工具被整合为一个整体,带着它就好像带着整个厨房。
Containing a heater and two bowls, Liew Ann Lee’s Cookease has everything you need to make a meal and enjoy it with someone else at the same time. The way the heater works is with a “magnetic induction” which “is made from silicone,” according to Yanko Design.
内置一个加热器和两个小碗,Liew Ann Lee的设计拥有烹煮一顿好吃的饭菜所需要的一切,而且还可以与别人分享。加热器的工作利用了“硅树脂所产生的磁感应”原理,Yanko设计公司表示。
People may assume this handy little box that resembles a McDonalds Happy Meal is just your lunch for the day, but they will be extremely impressed that it has the ability to cook and serve an entire meal.
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