Almost half of a generation of university-educated women who put their career before a family are childless, a study has revealed.
The women of Generation X were supposed to have it all; an education, a career and little pressure to have children.
However, research from a New York think tank has suggested this generation might have had too much choice as many of them are childless, well intotheir 30s and 40s.
Hoton the heels ofthe post-war baby boomers, Generation X - those born between 1965 and 1978 - were part of a new era which encouraged women to get an education and climb the career ladder. But now it would seem their choices to focus on work has left many of them without a family of their own, it has been reported.
According to the Sunday Times, a study carried out by the Center for Work-Life Policy has revealed that 43 per cent of university-educated women from Generation X were child-free.
This is despite about three-quarters of them being in long-term relationships and living with their partners.
A total of 3,000 male and female graduates were interviewed in the U.S. by researchers. The team carried out further interviews in the UK too, and the results showed very similar trends in both countries.
However, it is unclear why these women have opted out ofhaving children, particularly as the majority of those interviewed were either married or cohabiting.
Lauren Leader-Chivee, who carried out the study, said women in Generation X had mothers who were inspired by the feminist revolution and encouraged their daughters to aim high.
开展这一研究的劳伦 里德-基维说,X一代女性的母亲曾受到女权主义革命的影响,鼓励女儿要胸怀大志。
She said many women in the 33 to 46 age group had also faced redundancyin the past, making them more flexible and career-focused.
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