熬夜缺觉难补回 周末睡懒觉易变迟钝-查字典英语网
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熬夜缺觉难补回 周末睡懒觉易变迟钝

发布时间:2019-07-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

After hard week’s work, you might think that spending Saturday morning snuggled up under the duvet will help you catch up on your sleep. 一连五天把你累得够呛,你或许认为,在周六的整个早晨都赖在被窝里睡懒觉也许能帮助你补回些瞌睡来。

But you’d be wrong. A weekend lie-in doesn’t make up for the hours of shut-eye lost by burning the candle at both ends in the days before, scientists say.


Performance deteriorates when sleep is regularly restricted to six hours per night – and does not improve after two nights of ‘recovery’ sleep, the U.S. study found.


While having a lie-in helps people feel a bit more clear-headed, they are still slow and clumsy.


Researcher Alexandros Vgontzas, a sleep expert and professor of psychiatry, monitored young men and women who spent 13 consecutive nights in his sleep lab.

研究员Alexandros Vgontzas是睡眠领域和专家和精神病学教授,它在实验室中观测了年轻的男性女性连续13天的睡眠情况。

They slept eight hours per night for the first four nights.


After that, their sleep was restricted to six hours per night for six nights, followed by three ‘recovery nights’ of ten hours’ sleep.


Dr Vgontzas, of Penn State College of Medicine in Pennsylvania, said: ‘After one work week of mild sleep deprivation, two recovery nights were adequate in improving sleepiness but not performance.


‘The usual practice of extending sleep during the weekend after a busy work week associated with mild sleep loss is not adequate in reversing the cumulative effects on cognitive function resulting from this mild sleep deprivation.’


But there is some good news – at least for men who find it hard to get out of bed at the weekend.


The research shows that they are less able to cope with lack of sleep than the fairer sex – meaning that if anyone deserves a late start in the morning, they do.


This could be because slow-wave, or ‘deep sleep’, benefits women more than men, the Associated Professional Sleep Societies’ annual conference heard.


Dr Vgontzas added: ‘In women, but not in men, deep sleep appeared to have a protective effect. Women with a higher amount of deep sleep can handle better the effects of one work week of mild sleep deprivation, and their recovery is more complete after two nights of extended sleep.’


But women should not give up their lie-ins without a fight.


A previous study, conducted by Warwick University and University College London, concluded that lack of sleep could be linked to heart problems in women.


And research published yesterday found that a woman’s inability to fall asleep can be bad for marriage. Insomniac husbands, however, do not have the same detrimental effect on wedded bliss.



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