女人爱低调 对开豪车的男人并无好感-查字典英语网
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女人爱低调 对开豪车的男人并无好感

发布时间:2019-07-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

It will come as no surprise to any woman who has ever giggled to herself about the male fascination with fast cars. Porsche owners, however, may be a little taken aback. Research has likened men who drive fast cars to peacocks. Just as the beautiful birds fan their tails to catch a mate’s eye, men believe that conspicuous displays of wealth are the best way to grab a female's attention. 或许俗话说“香车配美女”,但是这条所谓的“千古不变”的定律并不能理清男女两性之间的所有关系,保时捷的帅哥车主也有可能追不到自己心爱的美人呢!据悉,有研究表明,拥有名车、豪车的车主们好比一直“到处开屏的雄性孔雀”希望凭借自己的“羽毛”(名车)来吸引雌性的注意,然而,男同胞的“小算盘”有可能要泡汤了,研究称,女性其实对拥有名车的男人并无好感,反而觉得他们十分不可信赖。

Women, however, see through their ploy – correctly realising that men who flash their cash are more interested in a fling than lasting love.

The US study also holds hope for those men that can’t afford expensive motors, as men with clapped-out cars were seen as good marriage material. The University of Texas researchers set out to find out why men scrimp and save to buy impressive but highly impractical cars.Or, as they put it: ‘The Porsche Carrera GT does not qualify for the list of best buys. ‘The vehicle has very little cargo capacity, has only two seats, gets terrible gas mileage and is frightfully expensive to repair.

在调查中,女性觉得喜欢用名车来吸引自己的异性“婚外情”的几率会更高,有意思的是,调查还发现,不能拥有名车或者“开破车”的男性反而婚姻情况更持久、与老婆会更恩爱。尽管保时捷Carrera GT系列车子的容量异常狭小,况且维修的费用贵得惊人,而这些那些“花枝招展”的“雄性孔雀们”还是发了疯购买,以此获得与美女接近的机会。

This revealed the men who were interested in short-term relationships to have an eye for expensive treats. Researcher Dr Vladas Griskevicius said: ‘The studies show that some men are like peacocks. They’re the ones driving the bright-coloured sports car.' Lead author Dr Jill Sundie said: ‘This research suggests that conspicuous products, such as Porsches, can serve the same function for some men that large and brilliant feathers serve for peacocks.’

Women, however, see right through them, with a fourth experiment revealing that they were aware that showy men had sex on their minds.

调查发现,那些渴望“短暂爱情、一夜情”的男性同胞们更倾向砸钱购买昂贵的座驾来获取爱情。研究员Dr Vladas Griskevicius说:“男人本质和孔雀,特别是雄性的孔雀没有差别,那些拥有名车的男士们就好比拥有着鲜艳羽毛的孔雀,时时刻刻在展现着自己的雄性荷尔蒙。”


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