Women, with their hormonal systems and unique makeup, also absorb drugs, caffeine, and alcohol differently than men. This is important for you to acknowledge for your overall health and well-being. Here is some information on how drinking alcohol impacts different health conditions and problems.
Alcohol Intake Differences: If you are a woman, you will become intoxicated with less alcohol than your male friends. This is important information that concerns every area of your life and health. You need to fully understand how these differences impact your health.
Women Break Down Alcohol More Slowly : Women weigh less than most men and their metabolic system manufactures less of an enzyme called dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol. Also, your body contains less water than a male. Alcohol is transported through the water in your system, so when there is less water, the alcohol is more concentrated in your bloodstream. This means you will have to wait longer, after drinking, to drive safely, and your ability to control your inhibitions will be lowered more quickly and for a longer time period.
How Drinking Affects Your Hormonal System: You may have less tolerance during your menstrual cycle, when taking birth control pills, or during hormonal replacement therapy. Research shows that your blood alcohol level is most effected on the day before their cycle begins, and is lowest the first day of menstruation. Emotions experienced during PMS can trigger excessive drinking and lower alcohol tolerance levels. This means that you must be more careful and cautious when drinking. Lowered alcohol tolerance could lead to an accident or ticket. If you feel compromised, even with one drink, you need to get a ride home, rather than drive.
Hypoglycemia and Alcohol: Low blood sugar levels can affect your alcohol tolerance. If your blood sugar is low, you may feel compromised even with half a drink.
Liver Damage and Alcohol: If you drink excessively, you are more likely to damage your liver in a shorter time period than a male. This is a known fact. You cannot drink as often or as much alcohol as a male without hurting your health. If you are a heavy drinker, you will develop cirrhosis of the liver nine years earlier than your male partner. Cirrhosis of the liver is life threatening.
Alcohol Raises Other Risk Factors: Alcohol increases your risk for breast cancer and female problems as well. If you smoke and take birth control pills, your risk is increased again.
Diabetes and Alcohol: If you are a heavy drinker, you are at a higher risk for developing "secondary" diabetes or causing your diabetes to become worse. Alcohol, even light drinking, may impact your condition depending on other risk factors.
Alcohol and Nutritional Factors: Often those who drink alcohol do not eat properly. This can lead to becoming nutritionally deficient, which can impact health problems such as osteoporosis, and bone health in general.
Thyroid and Endocrine System Problems: Alcohol affects the whole endocrine system, which is tied up with a women's hormonal system as well. The thyroid gland, one of these glands, affects the whole body and every cell function. Alcohol slows down the endocrine system, resulting in a lower production of needed hormones. This can affect sexual function, increased problems with allergies, enlarged breasts, and be responsible for reduced fertility problems.
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