女人天生情绪化 无理取闹竟是天性-查字典英语网
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女人天生情绪化 无理取闹竟是天性

发布时间:2019-07-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Are women born to be grumpy? This sounds like the sexist moan of a disgruntled husband, torn off a strip for failing to put the rubbish out. Again. Except that science now seems to back the idea that women’s brains may be wired for increased anxiety, depression and mood swings. And the problem could be exacerbated by those high-protein, low-calorie weight-loss programmes (such as the Dukan Diet).It’s long been known that women suffer more from depression, or at least reported depression. Around one in four women will be treated for depression at some point, compared with one in ten men. 一般来说,要是总结男女两性之间的不同、甚至优缺点来说,女性与“情绪化、尖酸刻薄”等形容词更容易联系起来。然而,近日的一份调查显示,女性从一出生开始就已经情绪化,是一个婴儿开始就已经脾气不好了。所以,别责怪身边的女友或者自己的老婆了,情绪化甚至“尖酸刻薄”是她们的与生俱来的天性。据悉,女性更容易受到“悲观情绪”“焦虑情绪”的干扰,具体数字是4个女人中就有1个女人是情绪化,也就是说情绪化比率为25%,与此相对,男性的“情绪化”比例仅仅为10%。

This had been explained partly by social factors — women are more likely to seek help for their symptoms compared with men. However, a recent study from Sweden has discovered two key differences in the way men and women’s brains process serotonin, the so-called ‘happy hormone’.

Good levels of serotonin induce feelings of contentment, reduce appetite and improve sleep. Low levels are associated with depression. It’s this understanding of serotonin that led to the development of antidepressants known as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). These drugs, which include Prozac, work by increasing the amount of serotonin available in the brain.

女性的情绪化不仅仅是先天性的原因,还有很多社会因素夹杂而成,受到情绪化波动后,女性想比男性而言更会向别人寻求帮助。来自瑞典的研究人员发现了存在于女性大脑内的重要的影响她们情绪的“小恶魔”----那就是俗称“快乐荷尔蒙”的血清素(5 -羟色胺)。一般来说,血清素程度高的情况下,大脑内更容易产生满足感、以及会更好的改进睡眠质量;相反,血清素程度较低的时候,人们更容易产生焦虑或者失落的情绪。关于血清素的研究还一定程度上发展了“选择性血清素再吸收抑制剂”(一种抗抑郁药品)以及百忧解(一种治疗精神抑郁的药物)的产生与发展。

Now scientists from the Karolinksa Institute in Sweden have been using brain scans to investigate serotonin levels. And the news is not so cheering for women. The researchers looked at serotonin uptake — that is, how much serotonin is actually used by the brain — in men and women. Their scans showed women have more serotonin receptors than men.

来自 Karolinksa Institute学院的科学家用大脑扫描血清素在脑内的生成情况后发现,女性脑内的“5 -羟色胺受体”(血清素受体)较男性多得多,估计,这也就是您的女友或者老婆为什么比您更情绪化的原因了。


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